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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 391

Chapter 391: The Answer 

Jackson walked out of the airport, suitcase in hand, talking on the phone. 

“I’ve arrived in Paris. I’m going back to the hotel. I’ll see you when I get there.” 

“Yes, by phone.” 


After hanging up the phone, Jackson walked out of the airport and waited for the bus. 

He looked at the time. 8:45. 

It’s less than nine o’clock. 

But he figured Alva would be here by now. 

She’s the most active worker. 

I go there early every day. 

Jackson smiled at the thought. 

Don’t tell her he’s back. He has a surprise for her. 

Jackson looked up into the road and flagged down the cab. 

But when he looked up, he saw a black limousine parked beside him. 

The door opened and Uriah got out. 


The smile disappeared from Jackson’s face when he saw Uriah. 

York saw Jackson and came over. “Mr.Howard.” 

Jackson took the hand of the suitcase and clenched it. 

He looked not at York, but at Uriah. 

Uriah looked at him too. 

Brothers, you look at me, I look at you, there is a heavy pressure in the air. 

York said to the driver, “Get your ticket.” 

“All right.” 

The driver hurried to the airport, away from here. 

York watched them walk into the airport, carrying a suitcase. 

The irrelevant people were gone, and Jackson walked over to Uriah. 

They were about the same height, looking at each other. 

It doesn’t feel like they’re related in any way. 

But in fact, Jackson and Uriah weren’t related. 

They bleed different blood. 

Jackson looked at Uriah. “How long are you going to follow us?” 

His eyes were cold and there was no trace of respect in his voice. 

At this moment, Uriah is not his buddy. 

It’s a rival. 


Uriah looked at him without a movement in his dark eyes. 

It’s like you didn’t hear him. 

Jackson continued, “May I remind you that you’re getting married?” 

So, just get married and never show up in front of Alva again! 

A taxi came by. Jackson raised his hand, flagged it down, and got in. 

Soon the car drove away. 

Uriah stood there, her dark eyes looking ahead, her pupils constricted. 

A cold water was welling up in my eyes. 

AK Alva went to work early. 

It was just seven o’clock when she arrived at the office. 

The office just opened. 

Alva came straight to the design office, to the desk. 

Her eyes fell on the desk, where everything was neatly arranged. 

File box, pen holder, a cup. 

It’s clean. Nothing’s changed since she left yesterday. 

She looked in the drawer, opened it, and there lay the papers, exactly as she had left them the day before. 

Alva put the bag down, took the folder, and opened it. 

Designs, plans, it’s all in there. There’s nothing missing. 

Everything was just as it was when she left yesterday. 


Alva closes the folder and turns on the computer. 

Venus comes early, just before eight o ‘clock. 

She walked in, saw Alva sitting behind her desk, and was surprised. “Alva.” 

Alva looked at her and smiled. “Good morning, Venus.” 

Venus looks fine again and comes over. “Good morning Alva.” 

Put the bag down and looked at Alva. “When did Alva get here?” 

“Seven o’clock.” 

“Seven o’clock? So early?” 

“Well, it’s getting closer to the launch, and I have to hurry.” 

With that, Alva remembered something, stood up and looked toward the door of the design studio, frowning slightly. 

Venus sees her looking at the door and asks, “Alva, what are you looking at?” 

Alva smiled helplessly, “I came too early to ask GA to help me.” 

Venus immediately says, “Alva, can I help you?” 

Alva looked at her. “You…” 

Venus interrupts, “Alva, you can teach me, I can learn.” 

Alva thought for a moment and said, “Well, come here and I’ll teach you.” 


Venus, with a twinkle in her eye, follows Alva to the design table. 

Alva took the cloth and the ruler and said, “Here, you look at me, and you do what I do later.” 

“All right, Alva,” 

Venus takes it seriously and Alva takes it seriously. 

Every step, every detail, she spoke clearly and carefully. 

Venus write them down. 

When GA arrived, she saw Alva teaching Venus. 

GA was surprised. “Alva, Venus, you’re here early?” 

Put the thermos down and walk over here. 

They heard her voice and looked over. 

Alva laughs. “You came?” 

“Yes, when did you get here?” 

It’s so early. 

Alva looks at Venus, smiles and says, “Before you anyway.” 

Venus says, “Yes.” 

GA pout, “You’re both workaholics.” 

Then he looked at Alva, “Alva, I brought you breakfast, come eat breakfast!” 

Alva was helpless, “Don’t say don’t send?” 

GA glared at her, “I say send, you say not.” 

Then he pulled her out and said to Venus, “Venus, you work first, Alva eat first.” 

Never looked at what they were doing. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Venus goes down. 

Alva said, “Venus, you can try it first, but don’t rush, take your time.” 

“All right, Alva.” 

Venus takes Alva’s work and gets to work while Alva goes to eat the nutritious breakfast GA brought. 

GA said, “Alva, this is for me and my mom. You have to finish it.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

She’ll finish it. 

“Then I’ll be busy.” 


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