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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392: You are a little bad 


Ambrose takes two steps back from Venus to regain her footing. 

Hearing Venus’s voice, he lowers his head and frowns. 

Pull Venus away. 

Venus realises what she has done and bends down. “Ambrose, I’m 


Ambrose looked at her bent waist, her wrinkled evebrows loose. 

“That’s all right. Be careful when you walk, don’t run.” 

Hearing him speak, Venus bit her lip and lowered her head further. “Yes.” 

Ambrose turned and left. 

Venus is still standing there. 

But she stood up straight, looking at the back of the leaving, hands clenched. 

Ambrose, I didn’t mean to. 

I’m sorry. 

Alva comes out and sees Venus standing at the end of the front, not knowing what she’s looking at, not moving. 

She goes over. “Venus.” 


Venus hears Alva’s voice, her body stiffens, then she turns and looks at Alva. “Alva, I…” 

Alva looked at her. “Shall we talk?” 

Venus looks at her gentle eyes and nods. 

The two went to the break room, where Alva made two cups of coffee, sat down on a stool, and looked at her. 

Venus is holding her coffee, her head down, a low air pressure on her. 

Alva said first, “I haven’t known you for a long time, but in my eyes, you are a hardworking girl.” 

“There are many people in this world, but few are successful. Do you know why?” 

Venus looked up at her and shook her head. 

Alva said: “Hard work, hard work, solid, one step at a time, keep moving forward.” 

“There are very few people who can do these things, so there are very few successful people.” 

The reason why great people are great is that they are several times, even tens of times, hundreds of times more than ordinary people. 

Just like hard work, others can do 10 percent, they have to do 100 percent, or even more. 

How can a guy like that not be successful? 

Alva bent her lips. “Of course, that’s my understanding.” 

“You are very diligent and hardworking, and I always trust you to do 


things, but you are a little bad.” 

Venus clenched her hands around her coffee. 

“You’re in a hurry.” 

Alva looks into Venus’ eyes. Her clear eyes are like a mirror, showing Venus everything she sees. 

“You want to be a designer, you want to climb higher, which I understand and support.” 

“But these things take time, they take accumulation, they don’t get to where you want to be all at once.” 

“Do you understand? 

Venus dropped her head in shame. 

She understands. 

How could she not understand? 

She wouldn’t have been in such a hurry until GA got here. 

But ever since GA got here, she’s been freaking out. 

I’m worried. 

I was scared. 

She is afraid that she is not as good as GA, afraid that she is not liked by Alva, and afraid that her opportunity to climb up will be replaced by others. 

She was really scared. 

Alva held her hand holding the coffee cup, and her voice was gentle, 


“Don’t worry, take your time, as long as you settle your heart and do everything you do, you will be blessed by the God of luck.” 

Venus looks at Alva with tears in her eyes. “Alva…” 

GA was completely unaware of a conversation Alva had with Venus until lunch when she noticed Venus’s red eyes. 

“What’s the matter with your eyes?” 

Why is it red. 

It’s like crying. 

Venus looks down. “Well, a little.” 

Rub your eyes. 

GA saw her rubbing her eyes, frowning, taking her hands off, “Can’t rub!” 

“The more uncomfortable the eye is, the less you can rub it. It will break.” 

“He reached to his body and took out a bottle of eye drops,” Now, I use this when my eyes are uncomfortable, it works well, you try it.” 

Venus looks at the eye drops in GA’s hand and doesn’t take them. 

GA saw her not move, staring, “What are you staring at?” Isn’t it hard? Use it!” 

Put the eye drops in Venus’s hand and Venus reacts. 

However, she still did not look at Alva, but held the bottle of eye 

drops, and her eyes were red. 

GA is confused by Venus. 

Alva held down her hand, looked at her, shook his head at her. 

GA look at Alva look, then look at Venus, this just found wrong. 

There’s something going on that she doesn’t know about. 

After the meal, Venus looked up at GA with a sincere smile on her face. “GA, thank you.” 

Alva blinked and said, “It’s okay, you’re welcome!” 

Then look into her red eyes and ask, “Are you all right?” 

Venus nods, “OK.” 

‘That’s good! 

Alva looked at them and said, “Now we are going to work hard, and you two must be my assistants.” 


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