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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393: How are you These Days 

Carrying a boutique bag, wearing casual clothes, looking very sophisticated. 

Jackson looked at the busy people in the design room, and soon his eyes fell on Alva, who was talking on her cell phone. 

She wore a blank sweater, a pair of light-colored jeans, no extra accessories, no extra color, simple, very clean. 

She had her head down, a pen in her hand, and was making notes in her book while talking on the phone, extremely serious. 

She’s very busy. 

I’m so busy I don’t even know when someone’s here. 

Ambrose walked in, put the bag on the table, walked out, picked up his cell phone and made a call. 

The three men in the design room had no idea that Ambrose had come and gone. 

You’re busy with yours, I’m busy with mine. 

Very focused. 

Alva hung up the phone and put the notes she had just made into her computer. 

Just looking up, she saw someone walking in with a mobile phone. 



These Days 


Jackson heard her. Look over here. 

Alva sat at her computer desk and looked at him in surprise. 

She saw herself at last. 

Jackson walked over and leaned his hand on the edge of his desk. He looked down at her. “What time is it?” 

Alva looked back, looked at the time, and said, “7:25.” 

Jackson nodded. “So, you didn’t listen?” 

Alva finally realized what he was talking about. 

He came back, didn’t see her. and came to check on her. 

What was she supposed to say? 

It’s all wrong. 

Alva helplessly, “How to do, I feel that what I say now is not appropriate.” 

She didn’t keep her promise to him. 

She broke her promise. 

Jackson looked at her and sighed. “I knew it.” 

When it comes to work, she is really busy and forgets everything. 

He’s fine with her. She does what she wants when he’s not with her. 

Of course, he can’t do anything about her every time. 

“You didn’t eat either, did you?” 


Alva nodded, completely speechless. 

I didn’t eat. 

Not only did she not eat, GA and Venus did not eat either. ? Alva looked at the busy two people and suddenly felt that he could not do this. 

If she doesn’t eat, her men don’t. 

“I let them off work now,” Alva said. 

Seeing that she finally realized, Jackson said, “Let’s wait until they’re busy. I’ve ordered food. I’ll bring it over later.” 

Alva looked at him in surprise, and her heart softened. 

“Jackson, thank you.” 

Jackson looked at her. His face was the same. His eyes were warm. 

It’s just, did nothing really happen? 

In his absence for a few days. 

Food came quickly. It was Western food. 

GA smelled the scent and immediately looked over to see Jackson and Alva opening the food box. 

Her eyes widened. “Jackson?” 

There was a loud noise that made Venus jump. 

Venus looks at GA. 

GA runs toward Alva and Jackson. 


Both of them already looked at her, especially Jackson, and said, “Hungry?” 

Running so fast. 

GA looked at the delicious food on the table, immediately nodded, swallowed water, “I lungry hungry, Jackson came just in time!” 

Alva and Jackson both laughed at this. 

Alva said, “How do you know Jackson bought the food and not me?” 

When she saw the food, she said Jackson had bought it. 

How can she be so sure? 

GA said without thinking: “Jackson is the most intimate, this time only Jackson would think of delivering food, Alva is not thought of.” 

Alva couldn’t say a word against that. 

No way. GA’s right. 

Jackson looked at Alva and said, “Look, even your people are complaining.” 

Alva sighed. “I’m a failure as a boss.” 

GA immediately shook her head, “No, Alva is very strong in work, and it is normal to be weak in life.” 

Alva was beaming with laughter. 

“Now stop talking and wash your hands to eat.” 

Look at Venus. 

“Venus, come on, wash your hands and eat.” 

“All right, Alva.” 

Venus and GA wash their hands. 

Jackson looks at Venus as she leaves and says, “Got you another assistant?” 

Alva looked at him. “No.” 

And a big part of it comes from him. 

283 Vouchers 

Jackson recognized Alva and looked at her tenderly. “If that’s all right, I’d like you to do nothing and just talk.” 

Let the people down there do everything. 

Alva shook her head and laughed. “You’re greedy.” 

That’s just not possible. 

Even big bosses like Ambrose can’t do that. 

“So that’s hope.” 

As they talk, Venus and GA come out. 

“I didn’t know what you liked,” Jackson said. “I ordered it for you in America.” 

GA immediately said, “Love love, Jackson ordered the best!” 

You can’t have a sweet mouth. 

After GA, Venus calls Jackson brother in law and says, “Thank you brother in law.” 

“You’re welcome. Eat.” 

Alva looked at Jackson. “Did you eat?” 

Jackson looked at her. “What do you think?” 

“Well…” Alva thought for a moment and said, “No.” 

Jackson curled his lips. “Yes.” 

Why would he eat alone when she’s here? 

GA heard them and said, “Jackson has to cat with Alva, or it won’t taste good.” 

Jackson laughed. “Yeah.” 

Alva looked at GA and then at Jackson and laughed. 

With GA the pistachio, it was a nice dinner. 

After everyone had eaten, Alva told them to pack up and leave work. 


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