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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 She was ill, and will come with you 

My eyes flickered and I took my phone. 

When Uriah saw the name bouncing across the screen, he threw his phone away and let it ring, then got up and went to the bar. 

Calliope listened to the message from the mobile phone. Sorry, the phone you dialed was not answered for the time being. 

You don’t see it, or you don’t answer it? 

Looking at the sleeping person on the hospital bed, his face is red and his fever is not going back. 

She frowned and sent Uriah a message. 

A ding, a message coming. 

Uriah looked at her phone. 

In two seconds, bring it here. 

“Bella’s sick. She’s very sick. Come or leave.” 

The message is short, concise, and the meaning is clear. 

Uriah’s eyes darkened as she read the message. 

A few seconds later, he tapped his call log and dialed a number. 

Alva got a message this afternoon about a meeting in the conference 



She told Venus and GA something and went to the conference room. 

The meeting room was filled with people. 

Soon Ambrose and the secretary came in. 

He sat down, looked down at the people, paused for two seconds with 

his eyes on Alva’s face, and said, “Here we go.” 

Secretary, “Yes, Ambrose.” 

Hand over the file you’re holding. 

Everyone has a copy. 

The file was presented to Alva, and she opened it. 

It soon became clear. 

Ambrose has to decide when the new product will be released. 

When everyone opened the papers, Ambrose said, “You are two-thirds of the way through the work, and you have a third of the time, a month, to finish it.” 

Everyone looked at Ambrose solemnly. 

In a month’s time, it can be done. 

Ambrose looked at everyone in the room. “I’ve got the press lined up to announce the launch date on October 10th, and I want to see what each of you have on your hands before then.” 

“Do you understand? 


“Now, if you have any questions, say them right away.” 


Soon, someone stood up and talked about their current problems. 

Ambrose listened, Alva listened. 

At the same time she was thinking about the work she had at hand. 

A month. It’s tight. 

Because of the accessories, and the clothes. 

She had to cram it all together so that it could be done. 

But it didn’t matter. She believed she could. 

Ambrose listened to the people below and occasionally looked at Alva, her brow furrowed, her face thinking. 

One month shouldn’t be enough for her. 

He’ll send someone else to help her. 

Two hours later, the meeting was over. 

Everyone leave the conference room. 

Ambrose called Alva, “Alva, come to the general office.” 

Alva looked at Ambrose. “OK, Ambrose.” 

Soon she followed Ambrose to the executive room. 

Ambrose said, “Sit down.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

They sat down and Ambrose looked at her. “You have accessories, you 

have clothes. One month is not enough for you. 

“No, Ambrose, it’s no use sending men now.” 

She needs time to teach new people, and the fastest new people will be familiar with half a month after teaching. 

And she only has a month. 

Instead, she should concentrate on the work she has in hand and let 

her two assistants devote themselves to helping her. 

Ambrose knew what she meant, but, “Are you really busy?” 

Look at her. 

Alva met his eyes and looked firm, “Ambrose, don’t worry, I’m busy.” 

She has a plan. 

A month is a short time, but it is also within the scope of her accomplishment. 

Ambrose nodded, “OK, I believe you, but you must let me know if you have any questions.” 

“I will.” 

Alva leaves the studio, and Ambrose takes over the job she gave him. 

It is clear what is not done and what is not done above. 

And these two days, she should have done some work. 

He believed that she might make herself work overtime every day for the next month, and he could not tell her not to work overtime. 

When Alva returns to the studio, she calls Venus and GA. 

“Just now Ambrose said, we have to finish the work in a month, 

starting today, we have to work overtime, eight o ‘clock, Saturday work, Sunday off, you have a problem?” 

Alva looked at the two people, “If there is a problem, say it in advance, I can arrange another.” 

GA immediately said, “Alva, I have no problem!” 

Alva looks at Venus. “Venus, what about you?” 


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