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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396: Too late to be safe 

In the studio, Alva sets the alarm for eight o ‘clock. When it goes off, she says to Venus and GA, “Pack up and get out of work.” 

Girls can’t come home too late. It’s not safe. 

GA has been busy all afternoon, so has Venus, and now Alva says she’s off work, and they’re both a little caught up. 

Look at the two people this some dumbstruck expression, Alva smiled, “quickly pack up things, work.” 

GA said. “Alva, what should I do? I don’t want to leave work because I’m not finished.” 

Don’t leave until you’re done. 

Isn’t Alva thinking like that? 

If she hadn’t set the alarm, she would have stayed busy until the work was done. 

“You have to leave work if you don’t want to. It’s not safe for you girls to leave work too late.” 

Say, pack up. 

“Quick, clean up.” 

When Alva cleans up, GA and Venus do the same. 

Pack up, lock the door. It’s 8:15. 

Alva said, “Let’s go.” 



Several people get into the elevator and out of the company. 

As soon as he left the office, Jackson’s car stopped outside. 

GA saw it and said, “Alva, Jackson’s here!” 

Alva looked over and Jackson opened the door and got out of the car. 

A smile spread over her face. 

He’s really stepping on the spot. 

However, Alva soon fell silent. 

When Jackson got out of the car, a dark figure came running very fast. 

Alva doesn’t even notice, but candy rushes up to her, hugs her legs and 


This call made GA and Venus go crazy. 

The two men looked at the bulldog at Alva’s feet and didn’t react. 

But Alva reacts, bends over, picks up candy and says, “What are you doing here?” 

Jackson walked over and looked at Alva. “When he saw me going out, he ran out. He couldn’t stop me.” 

Alva is helpless, “shut it every day, it wants to come out to play.” 

Dogs are fun, too.” 

“No,” Jackson said, “he knew I was coming to pick you up, so he 



Alva frowned with laughter when she heard him say this. 

“You’re like a worm in his belly now.” 

GA blinked as they talked and said, “Jackson’s coming to get Alva. Venus and I are going home.” 

‘Yes, Venus.’ 

She’s not gonna be a third wheel. 

Venus knows what she means and nods, “Alva Jackson, we’re going home.” 

Jackson looked at the time and said, “It’s almost 8:30. Where are you staying? Alva and I will take you home.” 

Alva listened to Jackson and stood up. “Yeah, you’ll be waiting a while. We might as well give you a ride.” 

GA immediately said, “How can that be? We’ll just go back ourselves.” 

And she pulled Venus out. 

“We will send you,” Alva said. 

Look at Jackson… 

Jackson nodded. 

Two girls. Better send them back. 

Jackson got in and started the car. Alva opened the door. “Get in.” 

GA doesn’t want to go up. Alva looks at Venus. “Venus, come on.” 

Venus thought for a moment, pulled GA over and said, “Don’t waste Alva and Jackson’s time.” 


GA heard this and had no choice but to get on the bus. 

Soon, the car merged into the traffic. 

GA’s home was closer. so Jackson and Alva took GA home first. 

After sending GA home. this is sending Venus home. 

I just didn’t realize Venus’ house was so far away that it took me half an hour to get there. 

Venus opens the car door and says. “Alva Jackson, thank you. 

Alva said. “Go home and get some sleep.” 

“All right.” 

Venus turns to go inside and Alva watches her walk into the building before letting Jackson drive away. 

Only when she left the neighborhood, Alva frowned. 

She didn’t realize Venus lived so far away. 

A girl who works too far away from where she lives is not safe. 

Jackson looked at Alva, saw her wrinkled eyebrows, and asked, “What’s wrong?” 

Something seems to be going on. 

‘Venus lives so far away,’ said Alva. I’m worried.’ 

It took almost half an hour after they dropped GA oll, which means it took almost an hour to drop Venus off. 

If that works out, she gets off at 8:00, and the soonest she gets home is 9:00. 

But I’m afraid it’s too late. 

“It’s a little far,” Jackson said. 

Alva, “I’ll let her leave an hour early tomorrow.” 

I always have to be home by 8:00. 

Jackson looked at her. Her face was full of remorse. She said softly, “Okay.” 

The car was parked in the garage a short time later. 

At this stop, Alva froze. 

“What is this?” 

Jackson squeezed her hand and said, “I’ll show you our new home.” 

Alva heard him talk about his new home, and her eyes widened slightly. 

A new home… 

He found the house? 

Alva couldn’t believe it until Jackson led her to the apartment, which was completely different in decoration, decoration, and warmth, and she believed that he had actually found a house. 

“You… What did you find?” 

She has no idea. 

And fast. 


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