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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 404

Chapter 404: Less than two months before the wedding 

GA walks in. “Alva, have you seen Venus? She ran away from me without seeing me. It was amazing.” 

She was right in front of Venus. She just ran away. 

It’s like she’s air. 

Alva. “She quit.” 

“Quit your job.” 

GA did not care to nod, the next moment with wide eyes. “resign!” 


Did she hear me wrong? 

Or is she hallucinating? 

Venus quit her job! 

Alva looked at her shocked look and smiled, “Well, she had something to deal with, so she resigned and went back to the United States, and you will be very busy.” 

She’s not gonna need another assistant. 

One is enough. 

So for the next few days, GA will be busy. 

GA immediately said, “Alva, I’m fine, I’m busy!” 


‘Don’t worry! 

Alva bent her lips “I’m most at ease with you.” 

GA’s eyes lit up, her face flushed, and she scratched her head. “I’m embarrassed Alva said that ” 

“Well, never mind, let’s get to work.” 


GA is confused about Venus’ sudden resignation, but nothing is more important than work right now 

So, the other side! 

Ambrose soon received an email from Uriah, which he clicked on 

Ten minutes later, he clenched his fist against his jaw, frowning slightly as he looked at the document on the screen 

Uriah said he needed to hire a designer now, and AK would hire the designer. but he would choose the person. 

He chose this guy, which means he’s coming to AK 

But he didn’t want Uriah to come to AK 

Ambrose smiles wryly at the thought. 

When did you get so mixed up. 

He gathered himself, dropped his hand on the keyboard, and replied to Uriah. 

Hotel Freis, Milan. 

The computer pinged, and an email came. 

Uriah opens the mail. 

“I’ll have HR start drawing up the hiring now. I’ll call you when I have something.” 

Uriah looked at the words and typed “um” on the keyboard. 

Then I closed my notebook, got up, took my suit jacket, and went out. 

In the hospital. 

The nurse brought the medicine to Bella, watched her take it and left. 

Calliope stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at Bella, who had regained her color. 

“Are you sure you want to stay here? 

Bella’s face was no longer vulnerable, but now she was strong and proud. 

“Of course.” 

Uriah is here, and she will be here. 

Calliope looked at Bella and knew there was nothing she could say that would change her decision. 

In that case, she said no more. 

“Well, if you decide, I’ll arrange the rest.” 


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