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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 405

Chapter 405 Everyone is the same 

Bella was reading the morning paper when Candice got the call from Bella. 

The phone rings. She took the phone. 

But when she saw the name on the screen, her face turned ugly. 

I was about to throw my phone away, but when I thought of something, Candice put the newspaper on the table and took it. 


Bad tone, you can think of her face at the moment. 

“Candice. I’m in Milan. I need you to come over to Milan right now,” Bella said, not getting angry at her clearly unhappy voice. 

Candice was rude, and Bella was rude. 

Candice recognized the disrespect in Bella’s voice. 

In this case, she does not need to be polite, directly said: “I am busy, no time.” 

“Oh, Candice, I know you’re busy, but my wedding to Uriah is less than two months away, so as a mother and future mother-in-law, you don’t have to come and arrange the wedding with your future daughter- in-law?” 

Candice clutched her phone. 

Bella wouldn’t have called her if she didn’t have a problem, but the fact that she did, and the reason she came, proved that things were bad 


between her and Uriah. 

And that’s not good. 

It could be a big deal later. 

This is not what she wants to see. 

Thinking of this. Candice said calmly, “Give me the specific address, and I’ll book the plane ticket.” 

Hang up the phone. 

Bella’s smile grew colder as she listened to the busy tone on her phone. 

She would never call Candice if she didn’t have to. 

Soon, the address was sent to Candice’s phone, and Candice called her assistant and asked her to book a flight to Milan that night. 

“Okay, Boss Floris.” 

Candice, look at the time. 8:35. 

Get up, go upstairs. 

When Jackson got off the plane, he called Alva. 

It was noon, and Alva and GA were having lunch in the dining room. 

Her phone rings, Alva looks over, takes the phone, and bends her lips. 

GA looked at Alva’s curved lip, blinked her eyelashes, and said, “It must be Jackson.” 

Alva heard this and looked at her with a big smile on her face. “Eat 


GA immediately ate a large piece of meat and showed her by her actions that she was eating. 

Alva’s eyes are crooked. 

She swipes the answer button and calls, “Jackson, is it there yet?” 

“Well, here we are, so I called you right away.” 

“Well, I’ll be relieved when I get there.” 

Jackson looked at the time and said, “Have you eaten yet?” 

“Eating now.” 

“Well, cat on time and don’t work late at night. I might check the guard.” 

“Oh, okay.” 

The car is already parked outside the airport. 

Kelly and the driver. 

“I’ll get in the car first,” Jackson said. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

The two hung up. 

Jackson put his phone in his pocket, and the driver took his suitcase 

and put it in the trunk. 

Kelly opened the back door. 

Jackson sat in. 


Kelly got into the passenger seat. 

Soon the driver got in and started the car. 

Cars merge into traffic. 

Kelly took out the schedule, turned to look at Jackson, “You first go back to the hotel to wash up, sleep, after dinner at five o ‘clock in the evening we will go to the opera, tomorrow morning, we will go to the royal music to hold a performance, noon and the organizers of this dinner, in the afternoon…” 

Kelly told her story all at once, and Jackson listened, frowning slightly. 

When Kelly finished, Jackson said, “You got a week?” 

“Yes, the event here is important this time.” 

“After this trip, you can take a week off, Jackson. I’m very human.” 

Jackson said nothing, 

For a week. 

It’s too long for him. 

But a week off, he can spend some time with her. 

“Well, that’s the arrangement.” 

Kelly got his answer and was relieved. 

“I was afraid you wouldn’t say yes.” 

Turn your head and put your schedule away. 

Jackson looked out the window. He really didn’t want to say yes. 

But he didn’t want to put too much pressure on Alva. 

He didn’t want her to feel like he was pushing her. 

A week. That’s perfect. 

Alva and GA ate and went back to the studio. 

Everyone was supposed to take a break at noon, but now Venus has quit her job they can’t take a break either. 

They have to use every second of it. 

But before they go back to the studio, GA asks Venus about quitting her job. 

“Alva, I think Venus’ resignation is so sudden. I’m a little worried.” 

Alva’s eyes flickered. “I’m not sure, either,” she said. “But everyone has a rush, and we can’t anticipate it, can we?” 

She looked ahead with a look GA could not understand. 

GA nodded. 

Alva’s right, but she’s having a hard time believing it. 

Venus was willing to hurt their friendship in order to stay in AK. 

AK is very important to her. 

But all of a sudden Venus said she was quitting, totally out of her mind. 


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