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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 387

It was Denise who called.

“Angela, regarding to James, it seems a little troublesome this time. The person who reported the Harvey Group of conducting the human experiment is also the Brown family’s political enemy. The Harvey family had tried it before, it was useless either.”

It was different from their last phone call, Denise sounded anxious this time.

Angela was leaning against the wall to support her body by herself. Both her hands and feet were cold, “... Both Harvey and Brown families could not do anything about it?”

How could it be so serious?

“No, now the Smith family keep harassing non-stop. They are asking the Harvey family to help them. If not, they would expose the love affair between my husband and that bitch. At the same time, they would expose that James was arrested as well. It would be a very awkward situation for the Harvey family.” Denise’s voice was full of disgust.

Angela pursed her lips tightly. The current situation of the Smith family was not optimistic. The probability of them doing something unexpectedly or crazily was indeed very high!

The situation of the Harvey family was not pleasant. It was very difficult for them. They seemed to be caught on fire!

“It’s useless to think too much. Take care of yourself and the baby in your belly.”

“I called you to remind you that the media and the police may find you. If they ask you about anything, just answer as usual. If you don’t know, just tell them that you don’t know and they won’t make it difficult for you.”

Denise had a lot of work to do, she hung up the phone without saying too much.

Angela looked at the phone screen. She felt that her future was like a piece of darkness that she could not see anything clearly.

She kept trying her best to fight side by side with James. In fact, James was suddenly being taken away and she did not know what to do!

“Why are you standing outside? Don’t you feel cold?” Greyson walked towards her and lit a crumpled cigarette out of nowhere.

He had never smoked a cigarette before. He took a sip after lighting it. He choked until his eyes turned red but he did not let it go.

Angela was not used to the smell of the smoke. She frowned a little, “It’s okay, I’ll just stand outside for a while. It’s not cold.”

Greyson took another puff when he saw her being restless. He coughed again and put out the cigarette.

The siblings were speechless with each other as both had something on their minds.

After a while, Greyson started the conversation with a complicated expression, “Your sister-in-law... she called me earlier but I did not pick it up. No one answered when I called back.”

“She... did she... I’m not thinking about getting back together with her. I will never forgive her for what she has done. I just want to ask if she called you before?”

Angela shook her head.

She hesitated for a while. She was wondering if she should tell her brother that her sister-in-law might have been threatened.

If her sister-in-law and Ela worked together without any threat, it would be another devastating hit to her brother.

Greyson’s eyes dimmed a little and turned into a dull expression again. “Others would say that I’m useless and worthless but your sister-in-law always praised me.”

He laughed sadly, “I actually believed in her! What happened in the end? She was the same as everyone else. She actually liked James...”

“Brother!” Angele stopped him. “About my sister-in-law, don’t make any conclusions yet! Give me... give me about three days time and I will get back to you about her matter.”

Greyson’s eyes were suddenly widened, “What do you mean? Isn’t there a conclusion about your sister-in-law’s matter?”

Angela avoided his glance and frowned, “Don’t ask so much. I will tell you the whole story within three days. I have something else to go, I’ll leave first. Please take good care of our father. If you need to go to work, please get him a caretaker.”

She did not give him a chance to ask her back again. She rushed to the elevator with a few bodyguards with her. it was cold outside, Angela hugged herself tightly in her clothes and got into the car.

Chapter 387 It Did Not Work For Both Harvey And Brown Families 1


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