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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 388

Angela took a deep breath, “What about those people in the stairwell on that day?”

“I arranged it. Separating you from Mr. James and letting you go abroad was the least harmful option. Angela, I’m really sorry for breaking your heart. But I can’t stand by and watch something happen on Taotao and the others.” Luna’s words were filled with bitterness.

They were silent.

It was well heated inside the car, but Angela only felt her body chill, even her blood turned cold.

“Angela, it’s okay for you to blame me. But I hope you can find a way to help Taotao and the others. After all, they are the members of the Chante family.” Luna said.

Angela wiped her sweat with her skirt, “Where are you now?”

“Outside of the Chante family house.” She was afraid of what would happen to Taotao and the others, and she couldn't get back in time. However, she had been kicked out by Greyson, and she couldn’t enter the house.

Angela frowned, answered softly, and hung up the phone. Then, she ordered her bodyguard, “Go back to my house.”

The car changed lanes at the crossroad ahead and drove to the Chante family house.

On the road, Angela called Greyson and told him the whole story, and finally, she said, “I’m sorry, Greyson.”

She expected Greyson to scold her, but he just said, “Don’t think too much. What the hell to blame you for this? Wait for me, I’m going back now!”

It was half an hour later when she arrived at her house.

When Angela got out of the car, she saw Luna cowering in a corner sheltered from the wind. Her lips were frozen and had turned bluish-purple, while her right sleeve was empty.

“I’m sorry.”

Angela was anxious and her eyes were sore. She knelt in front of Luna, and she was ashamed to lift her head.

‘These things happened because of me. But the accusations of daddy becoming a vegetable are being pinned on Luna, and now also caused Luna to lose an arm…’

“Angela, get up. I should be thankful that you don’t blame me. How could I blame you?” Luna tried to stand up and get Angela up. However, her legs had gone numb from squatting, and she only had one arm. She spent a long time also unable to stand up.

Angela shook her head as she was ashamed to get up.

Screech- -

A piercing brake sounded.

Greyson got out of the car and hurriedly ran over. But when he almost reached in front of Angela and Luna, he stopped as he didn’t know how to face them.

Her sister indirectly caused her wife to lose an arm, and his two children were still in great threat. While he and his wife had indirectly caused his father to become a vegetative patient.

He couldn’t sort out what was wrong or right.

The three of them, one kneeling, one squatting, and one standing.

They stalemated for a while. But finally, Greyson stepped forward and dragged them up one by one.

“We don’t blame each other. After all, this would have happened because of that old woman Ela! If it wasn’t for her, these things wouldn't have happened!” Luna lowered her head and sighed lightly, “I thought that sending Angela abroad and all these things would be over. But I didn’t expect that…”

“Let's not be sad and let’s not say anything sorry…” Greyson couldn't go on halfway through his sentence, then he growled with red eyes, “Why didn’t you inform me when something happened? Did you think you were going to make me feel bad for the rest of my life with your broken arm?”

Luna looked at him with a layer of tears under her eyes, “Do you think that I want to break my arm? Ela didn’t allow me to say it out, how could I say it? Even if told you, you tell me, what can you do to help?”

Chapter 388 Breaking Your Heart 1

Chapter 388 Breaking Your Heart 2


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