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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Chapter 15 

*Sir, Ms. Hughes just called that she arrived at the airport. Are you going to pick her up, do you want me to go pick” 

Prepare the car. I’ll go welcome her myself, Xander dumped everything he was doing in his office, then stood up and grabbed his coat which was hanging on the chair

His phone beeped as he approached the door, and he paused

Let’s meet later, Xander. I need to take your sample for the test once again. Something came up and the first one failedXander’s face dilated disappointedly after he read through the text. He was supposed to go for the test result tomorrow, but it turned out that was not going to happen

he finally 

Hmm. I’ll drop by the hospital laterHe replied to Henry’s message before he finally walked out of his office and headed to the parking lot where Nick already prepared the car for him. He hopped inside the car when he arrived at the parking lot and drove outside

Xander arrived at the airport about thirty minutes later, and a young lady in her twenties waved at him as soon as he walked inside

Over here, Xander,The lady’s face was filled with an excited smile as she pushed her suitcase toward Kander with speed, and when she got close to him, she let go of her suitcase and jumped on him

I’ve missed you so much, Xander,She whined as she wrapped her legs around his torso, and he groaned frustratingly

I should’ve allowed Nick to come pick you up instead of me. You’ve not grown mature even after so many years, LisaXander rolled his eyes, and she 


You wouldn’t dare. I would’ve killed you if you had sent someone else to come fetch me,She smirked at him after she pulled away from him

It’s not good to have you back. I know my life is going to be filled with troubles henceforth now that you are here,” Xander ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head

That is why I’m your only loving sweetheart. No one can ever compare to me except for one person,She winked at him as she gently tucked her blande hair behind her ear, and he rolled his eyes

Where is Summer? Did you come here with her?Xander’s smile slowly faded when she asked of his wife. Lisa Hughes was Xander’s only sister, and Summer’s classmate back then in college where they schooled together. Lisa was the happiest woman on earth when she found out about the relationship between her brother and Summer, but sadly, she had to travel out of the country one week after their wedding. For years, Lisa had been busy pursuing her career as a professional lawyer, and she was just coming home for the first time in eight years 

She didn’t come with me. Come on, let’s go home,Xander tried to change 

the topic as he took her suitcase and started walking away

Did something happen? Why do you have that expression on? Lisa sensed there was something wrong. airport

so she asked as she followed him out of the 

I’m fine. Get inside the car and stop asking too many questions,Xander was going to do everything he could, to avoid answering her questions as he dropped the suitcase in his car’s trunk

Don’t keep me waiting.He pulled the car door open, hopped inside, and started the car

What’s wrong with him?She mumbled and blinked her eyes confusingly before she hopped inside the car

Use your 

seatbelt. And don’t ask me any questions. I’m not in the mood for that,Even though he was doing everything he could, to avoid this conversation knowing his sister was not going to be happy about what happened, he knew deep inside him that this was only temporary, and no way he would be able to avoid the question for the rest of his life. Whether or not he liked it, he would eventually be left with no choice but to answer her


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