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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 6



Summer Frost POV 

I promise to find you to where you are if you don’t show upXander had texted me after he called me, so I was left with no choice but to show up 

Do you want me to come in with you, ma’am?Miguel asked me as soon as she pulled over in front of the cafe shop where Xander had asked us to meet

Don’t worry. You should wait for me in the car. If you have anywhere to go, you can go ahead. I will call you when I want to leave,I replied to him as ! stepped out of the car

Xander was already seated at the far end of the cafe shop, waiting for me. He was literally glowing Iresented myself when I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him

Over here,He raised his hand from where he was seated, and I walked over to him

You kept me waiting.He crossed his arms on his chest as he reclined on the chair. I had expected him to feel guilty talking to me, but the expression on his face was rather disappointing to me, it looked like nothing happened

You asked to meet. Don’t keep me waiting. I don’t have all the time in the world to spare,I pulled out the chair across from him and sat on it

What do you want?” 

Silence assumed the atmosphere, his eyes piercing into mine like he wanted to see through my soul. For a moment, I almost gave myself away as I couldn’t help it. Just like years ago, nothing had changed. My feelings for him were still the same, but going back to him? Well, that was the last thing would do. No way I would go back to the man who threw me out in the middle of the night

How have you been?His question came out as a surprise to me as I wasn’t expecting that from him

As you can see, I’m fine,I shrugged even though I was dying inside to tell him how much I missed him, how hard life had been without him, how I almost lost my mind thinking about him every damn day for these past years, how he was not there for me when I needed him the most. I wanted to tell him all those, but hell no! I won’t ever admit it

HmmYou look fine. I wasn’t expecting less from a surgeon. You must be successful now” 

All thanks to you. Who knows, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten here if you had not let me go,Even though I was bleeding inside, I refused to show my pain 

to him 

HmmHe hummed while staring at me. I couldn’t deny the emotions in his eyes although I couldn’t tell whether it was the hatred from that night or if it was the emotions of missing me

Don’t be silly, Summer. To him, you were nothing but a shameless whore that got pregnant for another man,” I reminded myself and bit my lip


Why did you ask to see me?I wanted nothing at that moment more than to get out of there. The more I saw his face, the harder it would be for in 

I was curiousI was curious why a surgeon would not operate on my Mom no matter the amount I offeredI was curious who on earth the mysterious 

surgeon was.” 

And now that you know who she is. Is there anything you want to do about it?I leaned forward and looked into his eyes 

Why? That is what I wanted to ask, Why didn’t you want to perform surgery on my mom? But now been answered,A smile flashed through his face

y that i know your identity, I think my question has 



I’m glad you know my identity nowI paused then picked up my handbag and stood up

If there is nothing else to talk about, then let’s call it a day. I have other things to do,” And with that, I turned to leave, but his next words made me 


I will forget everything that happened…. I will forget you ever cheated on me. Let’s get back together, Summer,My heart wrenched painfully and I slowly clenched my fingers into a tight fist. Has he been holding on to the fact that I cheated on him for years? For the next few seconds, and there motionless, trying to hold back my tears

I don’t know about youBut life has been hard for me after you left. I don’t know why I feel hurt until nowWhy I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Why regretted our separation even though everything was your fault,At that moment, I couldn’t hold in the scoff any more, so I let it out. Everything was my fault

It’s all in the past now, I will give you another chance. Let’s get back together,A drop of tears slid down my cheeks as those words from him broke my 

heart into shreds

AlsoMy Mom or my family has nothing to do with what happened. So, don’t take it out on her,I never knew Xander was this much of a jerk until now. I never knew he could say those words to me

I wiped my tears with the pack of my palm then turned to him and smiled

Why do I need to get back with you, Xander?I felt satisfied when I saw the disappointment that crawled up his face. I guess he wasn’t expecting that reply from me, but he wasn’t expecting me to jump into his arms and be the shameless cheap slut he accused me of being years ago, right


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