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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 14

Tonight is Friday and if anyone could remember it's the King's College test game.1

So yes I remember the douche's invitation because he was there at my school today waiting for me at the gate after school.

Indeed I was a master of hide and seek game. I have hidden in the bathroom for 2 hours and once everyone is gone and his car was still there I sneak at the back gate and climb over it. Then call my dad to pick me up from the back gate.

Smoothly how it goes I was never caught by him or his minions that he has brought.

After my dad brought me home and left for his duties. My mom isn't at home yet as she was also doing overtime.

I sat on my bed reading my book on the phone. I heard noise outside of my window and out of the blue Gia knock at my window scaring the shit of of me.

"What the hell Gia?"

I went and open up the window only to laugh at how her legs is still attached to the branch of the tree near my room and both her hands on the window pane.

"Surprisingly to see the principal here at my window" I joke

"would you help me?" she struggled to climb up.

I helped her inside "you've been MIA from school" I point out to her.

"so I was sick"

"are you sure about that" I folded my arms but she just sat there on the floor rolling her eyes at me.

"So tell me, why exactly are you here? shouldn't you be resting at home?"

She dusted her clothes, "is that how you miss your friends. I'm hurt" she fakes it "I thought you miss me?"

"Are you kidding me, I was at school alone" I counterpart making her laugh.

"Pssh liar, anyways, we can argue later but right now we have somewhere to go to" she marches towards my closet pulling out clothes

"okay what are you doing?"

"we're going to the game tonight?"

"What game?" she threw me a mini short and a top.

"The football game that everyone in our school is going to"

"I refuse to go"

"Oh come on, everyone is going to be there, now get your ass up. You can't miss their test match tonight. Please"

she pushes me towards the bathroom with clothes in my hands but I move past her and grab a black distressed belted denim dress and a pair of white sneakers.

There is no point in figh with my friends when it comes to this kind of stuff especially when they beg you to do it for them.

"So how are we gonna get there?" I said after getting ready. She blinks her eyes like those innocent children

"can't we use your car"

"hoi it's my dad's car, not mine and I don't have a license"

"please we have to go to this game and I'll drive the car since I have a license" she pleaded pouting her lips

"Fine we'll use his rover," I grabbed the keys from my drawer and we went to the game.

We made our way there instead of Kings College we went to Bilford

"I thought were going to the games"

"we are, it's Bilford vs King's College" I felt myself shrink into ant man.

Alera all of a sudden whistle in my head "hmmm too many hottie for us"

"OMG finally you're back I thought you'll never going to appear again."

She wince "what? wolfs can have vacation too from their shithead mates" I laugh to myself


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