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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 19

"So you and Matteo"

Cora asks plopping on my bed after my mom scolded me when my unwanted guest of a mate and Dante left to go.

"there's no Matteo and I, haven't you heard that he was here for your brother" I deadpan at her.

She raised her hands in surrender

"okay" I sat beside her "in fact I'm disappointed a little" she sat up straight putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Anything happens?"

"No, in fact Gia was the reason I went to the game and after party" she frown a little.

"Gia" she repeated and I nod my head

"I thought we're all friends here but Jay"

"Jay, why Jay?"

I took another breath "I don't believe what he says. He said Gia only used me so that she can sleep with Kevin and him.

There was a pregnant pause

"WTF did she do"

Not even want to keep her waiting so I told her everything. Up to he part where I saw someone in front of me when I woke up again then Matteo appear even though it's blur.

Then that's all I remembered nothing more. Cora quickly stood up

"where are you going?"

"I am going to talk to her" she moves towards the door.

"Cora not now, I just want to be alone now" still she opens the door

"speak of the devil" she said folding her arms.

I look past her to find Gia her eyes all puffy and red.

"Who let you in?" Cora started

"you got the nerve to come here after what you did to her," Gia started to sob.

I move between the two of them.

"Gia, Cora please not now.... I am tired and I don't want my parents to hear this"

"please Ada, Cora just let me explain" she sobs.2

She's my friend and I know what she did was wrong but at least give her a chance to explain herself.

She did made an effort by coming here to my home so why not hear her out.

"Come in"

I close the door behind them. Gia got on her knees before me "Gia" to be honest I don't like seeing this


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