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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 34

"Matteo what are you doing here?" he slowly turn to me and within seconds he engulfs me.

"Matteo you can't be in my room"

I try to push him away but his hold around me tighten.

I felt him squeezing me making it hard for me to breathe "Matteo, I can't breathe" I try pushing him off.

He let go of me resting his forehead on mine but I push him away from me making him stumble back.


"not here Matteo," I wipe off the sweat from my head.

"Can we go talk somewhere but not here,"

"Addasah" I hear Cora calling my name and her footsteps came near my room. The knop twisted "why is your room locked" she twisted the knop."

Yeah so usually I don't locked my room now is practically the first time I locked it when it just the two of us.

I quickly turn to Matteo holding his hand, with my eyes begging him.

"Not here, I'll see you in the southside 78 Street. I will text you I promise" he nodded his head. I open up the window and he climbs through it.


"I'm coming" I call back while my eyes fixed on him.

Once he safely made his way down I took a deep breath and walk back to open the door.

"Yes, Cora" she rolls her eyes pushing her way inside the room.

"I am going out tonight with Jem. Do you want to hang out with us?"

"and be the third wheel" I sarcastically says and she laughs.

"Gia and Ed will be there too" I smile at her "don't worry I wouldn't miss it. Mate or no mate nah this girl still going strong" she sigh "as always."

She went out of the door stopping holding it open "be ready, we're leaving around 8pm"

I slump back on my bed watching the ceiling when she close it. I checked my phone it's 5:00pm.

I quickly send a text to Matteo to be there now and change into a black jean and a crop top then a jacket to cover my waist.

I ran downstairs "You're ready?" Cora took a sip of her juice.

"No, I have to go somewhere first" she nodded her head.

"And how would you get there" she raise the glass to her mouth.

I halt in my steps looking at her then turn back to the wall where the car keys are hanging. My eyes moving from her to the wall she shook her head

"No you wouldn't dare you"

Too late! I grin like an idiot and run towards it grabbing one from the wall before Cora blocks my way.

Cora groan in irritating "you know your mom is going to kill you"

I turn around and came to face with my parents photo hanging from the opposite wall. I quickly got on my knees my hands going up in prayer.

"Please mom and dad forgive me," I rub my hands together unfont of me.

"I promise this would be my last time touching these cars. I swear by the moon goddess name" I beg as if I'm talking to them.

I stood up immediately finding Cora looking at me with narrow eyes.

"I swear to the moon goddess you are not going to be a godmother to my pups. And never to name any of them after you" she dramatically slap on her forehead and I grin to her before dashing out of the house

I made it there on time, and saw his figure standing there against a tree.

Nobody lives in this area as it is secluded. None of the pack members came here, I know this cause I found it when I have gone through my history research.


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