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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 39

Four days passed and I haven't even received a call or a single text from Matteo.

I kept on looking at my phone screen to see if he's going to text me anytime soon yet he didn't.3

He's also supposed to talk to me about tonight's plan after his final homecoming game and also the prom tomorrow.

This was strange, and every time I look at my phone I keep on biting my lip. I also haven't seen him around lately.

Whenever my dad came home I always wanted to listen in if he's going to say anything about the Acting Alpha unfortunately nothing comes up.

I got myself ready for school then sat there on the bed staring at my phone before groaning and threw it on the other side and lay down on my back watching the ceiling saying 'he loves me or doesn't love me game.'

It's getting frustrated I mean I missed him already and Alera is going insane.

"Addasah, are you going to school today" I prop myself up from my bed to find both my parents at my door.

My father's hand securely around my mom's waist. I look back at my nightstand clock "yeah, just give me ten minutes"

"We'll wait for you downstairs honey"

once they went out I slump myself back to bed. Thinking of reasons why Matteo never contacted me again.

Finally getting that strength I push my legs up and grab my school bag from the table.

"Mom, dad" I kiss them both on their cheeks when I made it downstairs.

My parents drop me off to school and before I could go he stop me "honey, Cora is coming tonight and I want you to go where she goes. Your mom and I can't be there tonight"

I know my parents wants me stay with someone at all time. They only warned me days ago that the prisoner who escape is really dangerous and is most likely after our family.

They just simply said it is dad's old rival no other further explanation but I was sure there's more to that story.

"The Alpha is coming back tonight and we're going to be at his son's private mating ceremony," my world stops.8

Did I just hear that right, his son's mating 'it can't be Matteo right?' I ask myself 'maybe it's his older brother, I don't know if there's anyone older than him... An illegitimate child I guess'

Gosh how I sounded so stupid to myself and now I wanted to cry even more. Looking up I came to face with my mom who look me through the rear-view mirror.

Her eyes trying to analyse my reaction but I quickly replaced my misfortune with a smile.2

"I'll see you then mom, dad" I grab my bag and went out of the car waving them goodbye. My heart aches a little I still trying to convince myself that it isn't Matteo my dad was referring to.

"Hey you okay?" I turn to Gia "yeah" I fake a smile trying not show my bewilderment.

"Cora texted me, she says she couldn't get through you"

yeah I totally forgot about that. I am such a bad friend who focus on her mate and not even bother to answer my friends texts.

"My phone is kind of broke" I lie hoping my phone won't ring any time soon.

"Ohh that's sad, anyways Cora is going to be at the game so after here we go change and go to the game."


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