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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 46

Matteo's POV

"What the hell are you doing here?" she snarl at me.

I know she hated me right now but I have to make things right this instant.

Yes I have been hiding from my father and last week I have been in hell and thought of truly giving myself to Addasah.

The past weeks made me re thinks about a lot of things especially my decisions. It even makes me realise that I am falling for her too and I want this to work between us.

I miss her and I damn well regret what I did.

I couldn't sleep for eight days thinking about Addasah and me.2

Aaron has been helping me out a lot he has been giving me advice about the essence of having your true mate besides you. He even scolded me for doing that to her, the granddaughter of nana Gloria who has been helping us out a lot.

So Jay never calls me not until today and told me that he heard Addasah is leaving so without even care of my father I came here.

I didn't care at all I just want to see her and tell her what I really feel. I sigh taking a step towards her


"don't you dare say my name" she snarls at me.

"I know what I did is un-" I didn't get to finish as the next thing I know she SLAPS me really hard.1

"I deserve that" I say while trying to reach for her but she pushes away my hand and slaps me on the other cheek.

"How dare you show your face to me now" slaps, then she began to hit me everywhere and I stood there not doing anything.

I know she hates me and that is why she is doing this. She pushes me then began to scratch and claw at my skin but I did not care.

It hurts, Thunder now was growling mad for what she's doing but I shut him off completely. I just want her to hear me out and Thunder won't destroy this opportunity for us.

Blood began to oozes out of my skin.

"Addasah" I force her to stop before I took her hands laying it upon my heart.

I felt her claws digging in my skin, as it reached for my heart. I wince a little but I pretend not to be phase by it. At this point I don't care whether she kills me or not because I deserve it.2

Her hand slowly made it's way into my skin. She's reaching for my heart, my breath hitch still I try my best to remain emotionless.

Thunder was trying so hard to break down my walls but I knew that if I let him out he's going to punished and mark her right here.

Her palms now reaches my heart, her hands touches it and I felt it beat slowly. Here I was going to die by her hands. If I didn't have any Alpha blood I'm sure I won't be able to live any longer.

My breath slow down I smile looking at her as her eyes were focus on her hand as it disappeared in my skin.

My body was weak but I reach out for her just this one last time. I caress her cheek feeling those sparks again.

Closing my eyes about to fall down and die Addasah pull back her hands then fell down on her knees crying.

She looks at the blood in her hands while sobbing.

I drop down on my knees before her feeling weak. If I was a human I would be dead by then, there's a hole on my left chest I probably need stitches but I know only my mate can heal this open wound but I'm not going to beg to be save.

I felt her hands around my shoulder embracing me. Then she put her head to the open cut and slowly my skin began to heal back together.

She was sobbing in my chest uncontrollably. My tears now wet her hair. I pull her back once I had my strength back. Wiping off her tears I caress her cheek gently.

"Addasah, I'm sorry" I cry


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