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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 48

Matteo's Pov

I can't believe what I just heard from my father some part of me wanted to denied it but his words has already gotten in my head.

His threats has completely won over me. I did not know my mother elope with someone else who was not an Alpha.

I always thought she chose another by coming clean to my father yet that wasn't the case at all.

Precisely the prisoner namely James who escape from the cell was the one who tries to elope with my mother.

Addasah's father was best friends with those two, another surprising info for me.

My father said my mother brought her friends from her old packs, he didn't approve of it but she made him do it.

She made him believe and blindly he trusted her as she was his Mate. So they all were accepted and stays together in the pack house without him knowing my mother's evil scheme behind his back.1

She has planned to betray him and the pack. The three of them were also willing to sell them off to the rogues and hunters who has been planning on conquering their lands.

The three were going to escape when the massacre occur but it was the gamma who found out about the scheme and told my dad about it before it happens.

On proposed night of the massacre they pretend to know nothing about it so they watch every move they make and when the rogues attacks they knew what to do.

His Beta and others deals with the fight while he chase after my mother.

Yet once they arrived there was another fight that already broke our there and my mother was already lifeless body was on the ground.

Lyndon kills almost one hundred wolves consist of hunters and rogues cold heartedly and James was no near to be found.

So they took the traitor in and announced him as his top warrior instead of being the traitor.

I asked him why but only told me that Addasah's father is a special wolf and as a future Alpha I might need his strength to protect our pack.

I know now that my father is only using Addasah's father. So I try my luck and beg him I want to try my relationship with Addasah but he dismissed me cold heartedly.

He didn't want me, his son to be friends with a traitors daughter that's why he always ask me whenever he saw us around each other.

Indeed once he found out we're Mate he even hates them more. He completely ban me from mating her or choose her as my mate.

My dad threatened me that he's going to expose Lyndon's doing to everyone including his identity that he won't even tell me at all.

He also reminded me of what happens to the traitors. This I clench my fist tighter.

For anyone who brand as a traitor would be executed and not him but his whole family will be slaughter and I don't want that to happen

"You wouldn't want that right Matteo?" I sat there staring at him not knowing what to do.

"Then consider me not your son anymore, stripped me off of my birth rights into this family" my father scoff.

"You see I can't Matteo now make a choice," I sat there wishing that this wasn't real.

"Matteo" he kept on repeating my name while I sat there thinking deeply.

I just promised Addasah to be a better mate for her. My eyes shut and I was hoping this is just a nightmare unfortunately it is not.

"Matteo, time is ticking and you know our Beta with our warriors are waiting outside of her house for my orders. One wrong choice and she is long gone Matteo along with her grandma" my eyes widen.

My father looks at me with amusement and I snarl at him.


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