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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 65

To me what he says wasn't a question it was more like an order.

He didn't even ask politely or talk it out with us before dropping it in like that.

He doesn't know that moving away it's like we're leaving every beautiful moments I have with my family here not forgetting my mom.

She just pass away and this house is our home with her, she was the one who chose it.

"Addasah pack your stuff we're moving to the pack house now" he repeated himself and I felt myself in rage.

"You know I don't like being told by someone else" I hiss at him and put Wesley in my grandma's arms ready to have a fight with him.

My dad was just lying there with his patch up wounds looking between the two of us. I know he is shock to see this side of me.

I stood right in front of him with both my hands on my hips "you can't just barge into our home and make me feel useless then just order us to go live in your pack house"

"that's not what I said" he growls at me.

"Oh yes, you didn't say it but the words you chose implies on it" he clench his fist together.

I can see he is fighting control with his wolf but me being stubborn keeps on pushing his buttons.

"You may be the Alpha but it does not gives you any right to do that" I poke my finger to his chest.

He closes his eyes while he clenches his fist then he opens his eyes again

"I have every right over this land or anything belongs on this land including you" he said in a deep hoarse voice making me take further steps away from him.

"Oh boo hoo, that's bullshit I'm not your stupid property. So get that through you thick skull" my hands pointing to his head.

"I didn't say you were my property. You are my mate, my responsibility to protect" he shouted, then growls at me in frustration.

"News flash! it doesn't mean I lean on your shoulder doesn't let you talk mate shit on me. And I am not some obligations. So if it's burden you just reject the bond and free yourself from this responsibility.

It's not like I needed you okay I'm fine with my dad around, my grandma and I'm also strong on my own"

I didn't mean to cross the line but he made me said all these words which I didn't know was bottle up in me.

There was silence then a pin drop with nobody moving or saying anything. He was taken aback then I saw the hurt in his eyes.

He look to the other side wiping off his tear before turning to me

"You're right and I'm sorry if I care too much for my mate. I didn't mean to offend you back there when at least I should be thankful to you. Addasah I'm sorry okay but please can you move into the pack please" he begged me through his eyes.2

"You should have been asking like that in the beginning instead of being an ass" I push him out of the way and stomp my way back to my room.

Closing the door I lean against it regretting some of the hurtful things I've said to him.

Oh my, that was our first fight and we sounded like an already mated couple. I went and sat on my bed with my head buried in my hands.

The door opens but I refuse to look "you know you're more like your mother with the attitude" I turn to my dad who now walks in my way and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Our lives is in danger Addasah and I'm sorry for bringing it upon you and your mom."


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