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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 68

Overwhelming is one word to describe my feelings tonight.

I didn't know my first dinner with the pack would turn out to be like this.

It was peaceful and welcoming but I would be lying if I say there weren't. Actually there were others who gave me the 'who the hell she thinks she is' look.

Barbie Bitch was one of them. Her eyes were on me but her fork was slightly stabbing her food then she eats it with so much hatred throughout the dinner.4

It feels like that it was my head she imagined was on her plate. Yet I try to be a non passive she-wolf for this night only.

After dinner I had a good chat with other women in the Pack. They were all seems to concern about me especially the ones who is same age as my dad.

I wonder if it's sincere or they just trying to be nice for my dad. Like seriously some of them were shamelessly gawking at him all night.4

They even went over to him and went cocoon on my poor innocent brother.

"Hey, how you find it living here?" Gia ask me when everybody else is gone and it was just me and her.

"Pretty good, actually I am enjoying every bit of it. No dramas yet" I say while smiling

"that's good" she hugs me on the side.



She glance at Matteo then whisper in my ear "how are things with him?" she pointed to my mate

"progressing" I reply to her.

"You guys didn't talk of anything else?" she raise her brows and I began to grew curious.

"Why are you wondering? Is there something I should know about?" she shook her head no

"Unless you wanted to hear other things...you know" I joke winking at her and she slightly slap me on the shoulder.2

"Did he talk to you about anything regarding your past?"3

"not that I could recall but why did anything happened?" Gia again shook her head no

Growing a little bit annoyed with my friend's attitude I turn to her.

"Gia, did something bad happened to me in the past?" I ask and she looks contemplating before shaking her head no again.

Clearly something did happen but she is refusing to tell me. I wanted to push her with my questions but my dad calls me to take Wesley to my room.4

"Sorry got to go"

She hug me for a long time before going over to Ed. In fact, before she goes she turn back to me "Addy, don't fall too quickly."

I wanted to scream at her and ask what the hell she means but my dad was waiting with Wesley sleeping in his arms.

I skip over to my dad to carry Wesley to my room as he is leaving for his night duty at the border.

I kiss him on the cheek goodnight and went to my room with Wesley.


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