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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 70

Matteo's Pov

We rushed her to the Pack hospital after I mindlink Dr. Omalley that Quinn is going into labour and we are on our way to the hospital.

"Damn does this night gets any better" I mumble to myself, "why am I always finding myself in situations like this?" I complain to no one but to myself.

We made it there on time and I rush out to carry her inside the private elevator.

Quinn was screaming in my arms almost blowing me off but I held my patience.

We made it there on the top floor of the hospital which is private if anyone don't wish to go down to the main.

A nurse pointed us to the left room down the hallway. We rush toward it and saw Doctor Omalley and his assistant were already in the room waiting for our arrival.

Jay helps me by putting her on the bed and arranging the pillow beneath her head.

Omalley shook his head like we have done something wrong. Not knowing what wrong we did Omalley force us out of the room.

We heard Quinn anguished cries as the nurse and midwife keep telling her that it's almost out.

Jay seeing my distraught state came and sat beside me.

"What are we going to do now?" he asks

I have been thinking of wanting to do this a long time but I think now the perfect time to do it.

So I told him what has been on my mind lately "we're going to draw a DNA test first."4

Jay whisper yell at me "sorry Alpha but are you crazy?Clearly that pup is yours?"

"but there could be a possibility that it isn't right? I mean my dad force our mating three months ago."

Jay rubs on his chin "look you're an Alpha and usually an Alpha's heir can be born at least after three or two months depending on the genes you have."

We heard a small cry from the room then the door opens and Omalley came out of the room saying it was a boy.

Before he could say his congratulations I ask him to run a DNA test for the baby.

Ignoring Jay and his tantrums I went and waited for the results outside of the hallway as Omalley proceed with it.

I didn't went to see the baby or hold him in my arms.

The nurses are dealing with Quinn and the baby by moving her to a room and the baby to a delivery room.

I keep on hoping that things would have turn out in another way. Hoping the pup Quinn was carrying is not my son at all.

Not able to control my anxiety I stood up immediately and started to pace around there.

Jay came up to me patting me on the shoulder "hey just relax Matteo" he tries to calm me but I wasn't having it.

The door opens and Doctor Omalley came out of the lab door with the result for DNA test in his hands.

He handed me the envelope and I take my time opening it with hope it's not mine. Yet everything came crashing down for me.

I broke into tears then fall on the ground keep on saying sorry to Addasah even if she's not here.

I wish for my first pup to be with her not anybody else or Quinn.1

I wish for things to go back and let me change it.

This pup I wanted to deny so much and wish for him to be Addasah and mine.

In fact, this is reality and I know I have to live with the consequences even though it wasn't intentional but rather I was force.

I am the father and someone else is the mother not my mate. This breaks my heart in million shards.

Sometimes afterwards I walk back to the private delivery room and saw a nurse putting him in the hospital bassinet on caters.


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