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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 75

Warning for the innocent eyes and mind... so be aware as it gets steamy?

"This photo" his eyes widen and I started to tear up a little.

I mean I am filled with emotions now looking at this photo wondering if we could be like this.

"This photo" I held it up to his face while I repeat myself "was this is us before I lose my memory?"

I wipe off my tear smiling at him while at the same time I couldn't stop myself from moving towards him. I show it to him and he seems to give out a long sigh of relief and it confused me a little.

He take a look at the photo and then back to me.

The phone fell off of my hand and he took my face cupping it with his hands.

"It was the moment we confess our love for each other. The first time that I admitted to my feelings and told you in return that I fucking love you too" he kisses me full on the lips and I could see a tear slip out of his eyes.

I try to match up with his kisses as he was going fast and urgent. I hesitate for a moment but right when he murmured against my lips that he loves me I pull him back again and gave myself all into that moment.

The image of us in his phone keeps playing in my mind. How we look at each other with so much love.

It was like a photographer has taken it, with us kissing in some sort of a park. The background says it all for me as there were kids blurry picture behind us with a ball.

Instead of keep on wondering about our past I am going to live in this moment and move forward.

I smile at that while kissing him and without much thought I shut it off and decided to recreate that scene even though I don't recall it.

Like I said I want to move forward with no looking back which I hope when I remember it wouldn't be that bad.

"I love you too baby" I whisper against his lips then we continue on.

Things become heated and I myself become hot. I quickly disregard my cardigan and move backwards towards my bed.

Once the back of my legs hit it I fell down with him on top of me and our lips still attached to another.

I raised his shirt touching his rip abs and feeling his skin with my hands.

'Too many clothes,' I thought to myself as I tighten my hands on his shirt and suddenly it was rip off from him.

He smile through our kiss murmuring feisty then he bit on my earlobe and keep leaving trail of kisses on my neck.

I roll him on his back and sat on top with my hands on his chest. I felt something nudging down there against my panty.

I look at Matteo who blush and grunts in a low husky voice. I saw something hard almost budge out of his Jean.

My eyes widen and felt a bit scared wondering what if it's going to explode.

'Oh no,' I started to panic and look back at Matteo who seems to see the fear in my eyes. I think he was ashamed as his hand reach up to get me off me and apologizing for his actions.

'Dry hump him,' Alera growl through our links "no, that thing under his pant is going to explode, no way" I argue back2

"just do it, grind on him" she pressed me to do it.

Before Matteo flip me off of him I push him back on his back and plant myself right on top of his bulge.

I gulp feeling it twich down there against my panty sending goosebumps to my body and thousands butterflies to my stomach.


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