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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 79

I wanted to go home as my head started to ache maybe because it was from the drinks I drank and the club lights.

"So I heard from your friends awhile ago that you don't remember anything"

I turn towards Kevin and Kaiser who were sitting opposite from me in our VIP booth. I should have gone with Matteo when others won a dare against him and drag him on the dance floor.

"It's funny I wonder how you will react when you have them back" I don't speak but rather my attention was on the crowd before us.

"I think you're falling for the wrong guy, I don't think he's a qualified mate"

Kaiser chuckle at what Kevin said taking a sip of his drink. I avert my gaze to him "and who do you think is qualified enough? You" I ask and they both remain silent

"Trust me, he's way more qualified than you. If you think you can have a chance with me" I point to myself "beat it" I quote Matteo's previous words.

"You're not him and you can never be him to me," I stood up to go but his words made me stop "you're only saying this because you don't remember what he has done."

Kevin stood up and made his way towards me chucking another drink. Kaiser tries to stop him but he shrug it off his hands. He stood before me with his proud look as if he has all the right cards to play but I won't even feed up his ego.

"You'll regret it Addasah and I can't wait for that day" he winks at me and about to move away when I held back his arm.

I stood before him straight and tall "Kevin, you see I do remember what he did to me" I lie and Kevin look at me with disbelief.

Like I said I'm not going to boost his ego "therefore I won't regret it. The only thing I regret is encountering people like you who are best friend with my man and yet for a girl you're willing to betray him" with that I made my way to the dance floor searching for Matteo and the others.

Yet I couldn't even find them, so I stood there in the middle with my thoughts on my past and what I am experiencing now.

Truth be told, I wanted to know and remember what really happened but there is always a part of me that is afraid of knowing everything. I am afraid to be unhappy when yet I am happy now with him.

Therefore, I'll try and avoid it as clearly to others it seems my past is not even that good.

Trying to forget Kevin and Kaiser's words I move my hips to the music shaking my head and losing myself a bit. I felt hands on my waist and I knew it wasn't Matteo but just a stranger who need some body to grind on.

Therefore, when I felt his body move against mine I try to pull away as it felt disgusting to me but the ass just grip my waist and ass. I push him once again and the stupid idiot wouldn't bother.

Suddenly his hand was rip away from me and replaced with sparks and butterflies. He then was drag by the guards out with a bloody nose and a bruised face.

Matteo slightly kisses my neck while holding me securely in his arms. He is probably trying to calm himself and his wolf down.2

"I want to go home" I told him and he lifted me up in his arms after giving me a long French kiss in the middle of the crowd. He made me sit on the stool near the bar "hey you're okay" he cup my face with the palm of his hands.

"It's just my head" I replied "I want to go home" I rest my head on his chest.

"Oh my is she okay?" I heard Gia asking wit concerns then follow by Cora. The two almost created a commotion which made others gaze in our way and thinks that something huge happened.

Too tired to speak I look up at Matteo for his help "ladies, she's fine and wanted to go home" they both turn to me and I hug my man closer.

"Pshh the bitch just wants to get laid" Cora shouted through the music making more people around us glance at me.

I blush burying my face to Matteo's chest hoping that no one see me as it's so embarrassing now.

"Shut up" I say without even looking at them which earn a laughter around me.

We bid our goodbye and Matteo was about to swoop me off of my feet but then I push him away and quickly walk to the exit. I could hear people saying Alpha to him as he followed after me.

When we arrived home everyone has gone to bed. All lights of the Pack house were off except for the front door. We walk side by side with our hands brushing together before he held mine into his firmly.


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