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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 81

Matteo's Pov

After she pass out on me I carry her back to the house. Her father came running out of the Pack house and once he saw her limp in my arms. He growl at me but Thunder and I was also in a possessive mode.

"What happened?"

"my father" I replied and could see his eyes turning from hazel to dark red as if he's fighting control with his beast.

I quickly link Jay to come and get Addasah. I hand her carefully over to him then I turn to Lyndon taking him by the arm and with our werewolves speed we made it to an empty cell.

"Close it fast" I shut the cell door immediately and waited outside as I listen in to his howls and strong banging on the walls.

He went on for hours until I don't hear it anymore. I know I have to fix this tomorrow as by the look of it one more blow and the walls will tumble down.

I open up the door and find Lyndon in sweat on the floor panting heavily lke he have been running a marathon. I help him up and took him back to the Pack house.

Afterwards I went on to check on the sleeping Addasah before I head down to my office. I keep on tapping my finger on the desk trying to control myself from going all wolf in my office.

I hated that they have hurt her and it was my fault. I should have stepped in the room and put an end to their scheme but I was so foolish to lead them on. In the end they hurt and has cause her a panic attack.

The door to the office opens and Jay walks in along with my other two trackers and two warriors.

I know Jay is responsible for our trackers and that is why he came but the warriors Lyndon would have taken their place if he was on duty in fact he wasn't because he was looking after Wesley for tonight.

"Alpha" one of the warrior says with their head in bow. I could sense that they fear me and what they are about to say will determine their lives.4

My pack knows that I'm not my father but I can be heartless when I want to especially when they don't do their duties right. "Yes I am listening" I said and waited for anyone to answer.2

One of them look up and there I could see that he is not only in fear but is also in cold sweat while fiddling with his hands.

"We have lost track of Roman when we went after him" the warrior says "and I couldn't track him down even his locations and whereabouts" one of the trackers finishes and they quickly lower their head again.

"We'll take any punishment Alpha" they all said in unison.

Closing my eyes I held my fist tighter "you may dismissed" I said through my gritted teeth. They weren't told twice and somehow I wasn't made at them but myself.

I glance up to find Jay still there I have him a nod and told him to not punished anyone.

Once the door close I smash my fist on the table before flipping it over and destroy everything that I could reach in this office. I let out all my hate towards my father for hurting my mate and ruining my life until I grew tired and felt my emotions overtake me.

I slid down there crying over everything. The faults I made, the choice I choose, the actions I take and the fuck up life I have. When I am calm I went straight to Addasah's room taking her in arms and lay there on the bed with her.

I know it's wrong to do this without her permission but I just need a closure with her after what happened tonight.

Shutting my eyes I wish I was time. So that I could take everything back and starts my life over with my mate. I wanted to go back on the day I met her in the mall on the escalator.

Those sapphire eyes that held my gaze with glare and tardily turn away from me we're the same ones I wish to be mine forever.

I wanted to believe that she'll stay if her memories are back but some part of me knows better than that.

So therefore I hope when tomorrow comes and her memories aren't back then this man will give her all the love she deserves. The love that she should have received from the beginning but I was too naive, too blind and stupid to do so.2

I then apologise to Thunder for not being the perfect human and to my sleeping woman for not being the perfect man for her. Thereafter I went into a deep slumper.

I woke up in startle and look around to find Addasah missing. I frantically got up to look for her yet when I look out of the window and find my pack members on the field I became confused.

'I wonder whats going on' I ask myself

'Dude, don't tell me you forgot your own plan and strategy' Thunder cover his face with his paws.

I try to think 'plan, strategy' and that's when it hit me today's training and I should be the one leading it. I cursed rushing to my room to take a shower and change into short and tank top before rushing downstairs.

"Alpha your breakfast," one of our cook calls but I just keep on running to the field and link her that I'll go without breakfast today.


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