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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 83

I slump against my door with my cheeks burning red and my heart beating uncontrollably.

I don't know how to explain it or how should I put into words what I am feeling right now.

Everything was magical and memorable for us both.

I walk towards my bed and without changing I threw myself on it and scream in my pillow. Then I sat up and slap myself on both cheeks lightly.

"Ohhhh myyy" I screech in a low voice and slump back on the bed kicking my legs in the air and my hands slapping on the bed like a child.

I know my reactions is crazy but I just couldn't fathom with my feelings right now. Everything was just fucking perfect and his words were like music to my ears and a painkiller to my heart.

Not wanting to move or wash off his scents I reaches for my pillow and hug it tightly with a big grin on my face.

"Sorry, shower but tomorrow is another day" I mumble and Alera screech in disgust but who cares.

It's just me in this room and no one will knows whether I have taken a shower or not. Sometimes afterwards I close my eyes and dream of only sweet and wet dreams with him tonight.

Blame Alera for forcing all those imagination in my head along with intimate thoughts of us and him together.

On the following day I woke up and help the women in the kitchen to make breakfast before waking up Wes and clean him up. Then I took him over to the day care as I have training to do.

Gia whom I haven't seen since our get together wave in my way once she saw me coming over on the field.

"Hello Addy" she screams and hug me when I made it to where she stood.

"Gosh it feels like ages" she smile widely. "Oh well you're glowing" I tease which is true Gia looks totally different. She blushed "Ed has agreed for us to have pups and" she fiddle her fingers.

"I'm pregnant" she says in a whisper but I could hear her. I am happy for her so i congratulate her with a big bear hug.

Ed frown when he saw her on the training field and yep my friend was force to go home to rest.

Ed is being cautious with their pup the guy was head over heels and not only that he seems happy to welcome their pup in this world.

Matteo surprised me with a peck on the cheek and then to my expose shoulder. Shyly I pushed him away playfully and walk towards my team ignoring the stares from some of our pack members.

"Okay team, grab a partner" I glance at Matt whose eyes are on mine and winks at him cheekily.

The following days our pack members were starting to pay more attention on the two of us because our actions were hard to hid.

Our pecks on the cheek and him throwing glances in my way was enough for everyone to see and raise interest with our relationship.

It's kind of scared me cause I don't know if they will approve of me as his Mate or not.

Do they need a luna who has no memory of her past? that was one of the question I ask myself constantly.

After training Matteo took me on a picnic date, this time we took Wes with us. I was not a fan of wearing bikini or sun bathing so that's why we go for picnic to the park instead of the beach.

Our routine of dating and working carries on like that for another past two months; where we train our pack so hard and finish off any of our work then him taking me on a date.

I love every minute and seconds that I get to spend with him. In fact it doesn't mean I'm spending more time with Matt then I am in negligence of my responsibilities over my brother and dad.

No I always make sure that they are been looking after with or taken care of before I disappear with my man.2

In those past two months there were also some minor attacks on our packs but our warriors were all well trained now.

Today concludes our official training for the whole pack and tomorrow we're going back to normal schedules and training.


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