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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 94

There was a ring to the door bell and it was getting annoyed as it has been ringing for almost an hour now.

Vowing to myself that I will murder the person outside. I threw on Matteo's shirt and a short then hastily made my way downstairs.

Everything has been changing since the night we mated and returned back to our Pack the next day.

Now it has been three months since I seduce him and I could never grew tired of doing it again and again.1

Even the small amount of time, we manage to change some things not only in our relationship but also to our pack.

We have built a new Pack house and move our pack members there while him and I live in the old one together with our Beta. It isn't far from our own home.

So the core reason was, it was getting uncomfortable when our soundproof room or his office couldn't even hid my scream. When he either make love or fuck me sensually.

Feeling bad for our pack members we then built a new house for them but kept this one to ourselves. Jay has been complaining but when we told him to move he also refused as he likes bringing his girlfriend around.

Gosh! I can't wait for the time when he meet his mate. I tell you his type is always the one that got whipped easily.

I sing as I skip my way downstairs feeling high from our last night sessions.

I open the door with a smile on my face. Yet it all wipe off when I saw the bitch again standing in my doorway.

This time she wasn't alone. She was with a child that kind of reminds me of someone and a man beside her.

Her child looks like a grown up pup, lets say two or three but I guess werewolves genes does that. We grow so fast and slowly we age in years and look.

"Hi" she nervously smile

"babe who is out there" I heard Matteo coming down from the stairs.

He was too quick to made it where I stood and kiss me on the neck then he started to kisses his way up to my ear biting the ear lobe.

I stopped him "honey we have guest."

He pulls away looking at the intruders in front of our house.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he snarls at her

"you forgot this is my pack and home," she stated "and you may forgot there is a child here," she added on.

Matteo look resolve a little when he saw the toddler suddenly there was sadness on his face. He kept on looking at the child before us and it was kind of awkward to stand there too.

"Aahem" someone clear his throat and I turn towards the man beside the Barbie Bitch.

"Lorents" he introduced himself

"Addasah and this is my mate Alpha Matteo" both men had a stare down at each other and I push Matteo inside breaking away their hard stare challenge.

"Please come in," I invite them inside before closing the door.

Quinn look around as if she has been absent from this pack in eternity. I lead them on the couch and it was uncomfortable to see her eyes darting around while Lorents just sat on the couch opposite Matteo and I.

"Everything has changed," she mutters as she put down her child on the floor of the living room then gave him his toy truck to play with.

She sat beside Lorents afterwards and gave me a smile "yeah I kind of renovated everything with Matt's help" I try to be straight forward with my response.

Things were getting awkward afterwards as Matt became silent and Lorents kept looking at Matteo and then the child which was so fucking awkward.

"So are you here for a visit or vacation?" I question her politely.

Quinn looks nervous then she blurt it out while holding on to her mates hand.

"We're here to stay," I become confused and she add on "we're staying here for good."


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