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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 82

“Mom, Jason always called me these days when you were abroad.” Matthew was worried about Jason though he looked composed.

“Are you worried about him?” Jessica saw through his mind. Though he said that Jason was so annoying, he did care about Jason so much.

Matthew pursed his lips and he looked exactly like Louis.

“I don’t know where he is locked by dad. He told me that he is in a very fancy house and he is locked and can’t get out of the house…” Matthew’s eyes turned gloomy. “I know how it feels. He can’t have freedom, and no one cares about him. It seems that he is dumped by the whole world. He must be very upset…”

Jessica’s heart ached and felt so sorry for Jason.

She hugged Matthew tightly and said, “I worry about him too…”

Jessica still remembered everything that happened to her in Barcelona.

She was touched but also sad after he saved her. The memories were like movie clips that came up to her mind.

Her feelings toward him gradually changed.

Her mood would even swing because of him.

“Mom, how about I go back to the house of the Carters…” Matthew looked at Jessica in a pathetic look.

Jessica held Matthew tighter with her trembling fingers, “No, honey. You have lived with them unhappily for five years. Mom can’t let you suffer. Never!”

“But Jason…”

“Mom doesn’t want Jason to suffer but I have no choice. It’s my fault. I can’t give you and Jason a better life…” Jessica hated herself that she was too weak to fight against Louis.

Matthew was in her arms and shook his head, “It isn’t mom’s fault. Stop blaming on yourself. No one wants it to happen…”

“But what should I do?”

Jessica was flurried.

How could she get her kids back from Louis? Could she do that?

The next morning, Jessica sent Matthew on the school shuttle and she went to the Wilson Group after she got a phone call from her dad.

At the moment she stepped into Henry’s office, she heard Anna was laughing delightedly.

“Jeremy, I am so glad you come back. We haven’t seen each other for years, but you still look so handsome…”

Jessica’s heart was pounding so fast. She was shocked when she saw the man who was sitting on the sofa straight.

Terry was there too. He nodded his head politely and he saw Jessica coming inside, “Jessica.”

Henry waved to Jessica as soon as he saw her. “Come over here.”

Jessica found that she couldn’t stand steadily and she twisted her foot.

But she pretended nothing had happened and walked over to the sofa and sat down by Terry.

Henry smiled and looked at Jeremy, “Jeremy, I heard from Anna that Jessica was your classmates before. So, you guys must know each other so well, right?”

Jeremy sat opposite Jessica and he nodded politely, “Yes, uncle Henry.”

Then he peeked at Jessica slightly and smiled, “Jessica, nice to see you again.”

Jessica’s face was a bit pale and tried to hide her fear. Then she answered calmly, “Nice to see you again.”

But she didn’t expect that they would see each other so soon.

Yesterday, she came across him at the airport, but now they met each other here!

“I heard from Terry that Jeremy was back to Chicago this morning then he rushes to the Wilson group to work. Jeremy, I really appreciate that you can work here. It’s our great honor to have you.”

“Work here?” Jessica was shocked.

Anna’s eyebrows furrowed, “Why? You don’t welcome Jeremy, do you? Jeremy is the chief architect that dad hires.”

When they were young, they had experienced happiness and sadness. Now, they grew up and dressed in a suit and gathered together again. They were not childish any longer but composed and matured.

Jessica knew nothing about what had happened to Jeremy over the past five years. It had never occurred to her that he would be the chief architect of the Wilson Group.

“Jeremy is a new star in European and American architecture. Dad, with the help pf Jeremy, I am sure that we will get the bid of ‘Shine Project’.” Anna would never hide her joyfulness even Terry was around.

“Sure!” Henry was radiant. “Jessica, you should work harder towards Mr. carter. Now, dad arranges you an expert, so don’t make any mistakes. Jeremy, thanks for your efforts.”

“Uncle Henry, that’s OK. I should thank you for giving me a chance to show my talent.” Jeremy was as quiet as he used to be then he had a deep look at Jessica and reached out his hand, “Jessica, I hope we can have a good cooperation.”

Chapter 82 From Classmates To Workmates 1

Chapter 82 From Classmates To Workmates 2


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