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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 83

Jessica avoided his eyes subconsciously and shook her head, “I am sorry, Jeremy…”

She didn’t dare to tell him the truth. She wasn’t that tough and pure girl she used to be five years ago.

Now she had a twin and she even had sex with another man.

She didn’t deserve such a kind and pure man.

“No, stop saying sorry to me…” Jeremy held her into his arms tighter, “Jessica, you should know the reason why I am back and why I work for the Wilsons. You know it, don’t you?”

“Jeremy… I don’t want to owe you…” Jessica was in his arms quietly and she was peaceful and smelt the light and clear fragrant which was so different to Louis’s.

“Owe me?” Jeremy smiled bitterly. “You’ve never owed me. Jessica, do you know what I regretted the most these years?”

Jessica closed her eyes with mixed feelings.

“I regret that I was too weak. I regret that I didn’t take you out from the Wilsons… I am even regretful that I used Anna to make you jealous and forced you to face our relationship… But I was wrong… I am so regretful. I didn’t know I was pushing you away…”

“Stop it, Jeremy. We were so young at that time. That’s our fate.” Jessica’s eyes moist with tears and she gave a deep look at Jeremy, “Terry maybe right. Maybe I didn’t love you enough so that I would just watch Anna stealing you from me…”

“Hush!” Jeremy hugged her tighter and closed his eyes bitterly. “Jessica, please, don’t tell me you don’t love me enough. Now, I am back. I am strong enough and I am sure that I will give you happiness. But, will you give me a chance?”

“I…” Her mind was messy. She couldn’t say anything to turn him down.

Did they have a chance? Could he accept her past and still give her happiness?

She wasn’t sure. And she didn’t know her mind either.

Suddenly, Louis’s cool face just flashed into her mind. Her heart tightened.

“You don’t need to tell me the answer right now. But promise me, you'll think it over, okay?” Jeremy was hugging the one he had been waiting for five years and he finally felt the warmth. “I will wait for your answer, Jessica…”

At this moment, at the corner on the roof, there was a man hiding there.

He was gazing at Jeremy and Jessica who were hugging each other.

Then he took out his phone and took a picture of them.

On camera, there were tears on Jessica’s face and Jeremy was frowning. But they were hugging each other tighter.

Then the picture came out.

In the meeting room of the mansion of Carters Group, there were the executives discussing the result of the second bid of the “Shine Project.”

Louis was sitting in the main seat and he looked as composed as usual with an unreadable face.

He was listening to the speech that the managers from each department made.

“Mr. Carter, our branch in Spain sent us an e-mail saying that they start to prepare according to your instruction that ‘Shine Project’ will adopt Spanish architectural style. And they need our cooperation. So, do we need to eliminate those companies which aren’t good at Spanish architectural style?”

Louis glanced at the piles of files after hearing what he said.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly when he saw the design paper of the Wilson Group.

“If we eliminate those companies which aren’t good at Spanish architectural style, then only the Pearl and the Empire Design will be qualified. Mr. Carter, what do you think?” Another executive asked.

Then Louis again glanced at the information about the Pearl and the Empire Design. By all rights, these two companies would shoulder above the rest. But…

Jessica’s face flashed into his mind.

When he was hesitating, his phone buzzed and he got a message.

He was confused when he saw a strange number.

Then he unlocked his phone and read the message.

A picture of a man and a woman hugging under the blue sky came to his sight.

The man looked handsome and young wearing a white and clean casual suit.

The woman looked a bit sad with tears on her face wearing a light blue plain professional suit.

They were hugging together quietly like couples in a relationship. His eyes turned gloomy when he saw the man’s arms around that woman. It was as romantic as a drawing.

Louis tossed his phone on the ground all of a sudden.

Everyone in the meeting was scared. They looked at each other and had no idea why Louis tossed his phone on the ground with an angry face.

No one dared to make a sound.

They were afraid that they might get themselves into trouble.

They were waiting for Louis’s order with a sweating forehead quietly.

Blue veins stood out on his cheeks. Then he took out a piece of drawing and threw it to the executives.

“The Wilson Group is on the shortlist! I will adopt his architectural style!”

He stood up from the leather chair, said in a cold voice, “Dismiss!” and then he walked out of the meeting room…

His assistant was picking up the pieces of the phone case from the ground.

And the executives were wiping their sweat and sighing in relief.


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