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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 781

Chapter 781 On Purpose


Gabrielle raised her head and looked at Cowan and Abigail, and she felt her heart a little mixed up.

Although Westley had said that she did not need to be concemed and should simply enjoy the hunting, she couldn't help but be




"Remember, we are here to hunt; thus, refrain from thinking about anything else, all right?" Westley said calmly.

Gabrielle had been anxious since they agreed to visit the snow forest.

"I know, honey. I will not contemplate anything else," Gabrielle replied, wrapping her arms around his neck.

They arrived at the camp in the forest after a more than.ten-minute stroll. There were several row residences and some two-and

-a-half-story structures. The area was constnucted with care, and there appeared to be vegetation here. However, due to the dense

snow, they were unable to see them properly.

“We have arrived. Let's go in and take a break. After lunch, we'll go forest hunting. What are your thoughts?" Cowan and Abigail

stood in front of the houses, speaking to everyone.

“That sounds excellent. Let's go inside first." Westley had no objections to Cowan's plan. After all, this was not his region, and he

was unfamiliar with the area, so he delegated the responsibility to Cowan. However, if there was a flaw in Cowan's arrangement,

he would disagree.

He didn't want to think about how they should use their time here since they had a guide.

"Shall we enter?" Cowan escorted them into a house.

As soon as they entered the room, everyone felt warm due to the house's air conditioning being on. Gabrielle was aided in taking

off her clothing and seated on the sofa by Westley.

This room was sparsely decorated, yet it was really warm, Perhaps the house was adorned in bright colors due to the fact that it

was chilly in the forest during the winter. _ |

"I've sent guys to clear the snow from the road, and the chef will prepare lunch right now. What do you wish to eat? I can have

them prepare it for you." Cowan addressed them as the host.

He was the property's owner, after all.

Abigail eyed them with arrogance. "Since you are guests, Mr. Morris, simply tell us what you want to eat,"

Abigail said proudly, which made everyone feel uneasy.

“I do have something to eat. Is it okay if I place an order?" Alexis said. Since they were instructed to walk here just now, he had

been dissatisfied.

As a result, he lost his desire to be courteous.

“Obviously. What are you craving? Merely say it.” Abigail seemed unconcerned.

Alexis lacked Gabrielle's easygoing demeanor and Westley's serene disposition. How he wished he could give the siblings a piece

of his mind! |

“It is not noteworthy. I simply want to eat roasted lamb; you can prepare it here, correct?" Alexis said with a smile.

However, it was clear that he was attempting to release his anger.


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