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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 787

Chapter 786 Race


Gabrielle was excited. It was her first time riding a snow motorbike.


Westley was driving steadily and fast. Gabrielle, who had been afraid and scared at first, finally mustered her confidence and

stood up, although she still had her arms securely wrapped around Westley's neck.


"Gabrielle, you must keep your grip tight. Please don't let go of me. Take care!" Westley yelled as he slowed his pace. He didn't

want Gabrielle to go down.


"Don't worry, Westley. I'm going to be OK. Don't give up. We must defeat Alexis!" Gabrielle clearly saw that Westley had slowed

down. With this pace, how could they ever catch up with Alexis? She felt a little nervous.


“Then clutch me tightly. I'm going to pick up the pace." Westley increased his speed to appease Gabrielle.


"I'm clutching you tightly, honey! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" Gabrielle exclaimed with glee.


"I'll then pick up the pace." Westley accelerated after saying that.

They were on their way to catching up with Alexis. When Alexis saw Westley had accelerated, he drove even faster.


Following that, they engaged in a race.


"We can't lose, Cowan!" When Abigail noticed that everyone was speeding up, she instantly urged Cowan to do the same.

Alexis-and Westley had outpaced them, which made Abigail nervous because she had always wanted to win at everything. She

was determined to win.


She couldn't possibly lose!


"Cowan, we can't lose to them; it would be humiliating!" Abigail went on.


Cowan had the same idea. How could they lose to foreigners on their own turf?


"Hold on, Abigail.” Abigail was reminded. }


"Gabrielle! Let's hold a contest. In front of the winner, the loser will concede defeat and say that she is useless in front of my

grandfather!" Abigail yelled at Gabrielle.


Gabrielle was rendered speechless. What was the matter with Abigail? She was always striving to be the best at everything.


It was so juvenile. -


"Gabrielle, do you have the courage to compete with me? Then simply acknowledge defeat. Acknowledge that you are not as good

as I am!" Abigail kept yelling at her.


"I'm never defeated. Miss Schmidt, I apologize, but my husband is so good that we can't lose," Gabrielle calmly answered.

Abigail's expression abruptly shifted, and she scowled at Gabnelle.


"Gabrielle, then show me what you're capable of. If you lose, you must accept that you are not as good as I am! Let's go, Cowan."

Abigail clutched Cowan's waist and implored him to speed.


She couldn't possibly lose, especially when it came to her dignity.


"All right, I'll show them what it's like to be a professional racer." Cowan accelerated to catch up with them.


Chapter 787 1


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