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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231: The Ninth Palace

Boom! Boom! Boom! The battle grew increasingly fierce, with dust and debris flying everywhere. Countless trees were snapped in half or uprooted entirely. Even a small hill was flattened in the intense fighting. The combat reached a fever pitch as all the cultivators unleashed their most powerful moves. The danger was immense; a single misstep could mean death.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" The saber-toothed tiger let out several angry roars, already gravely injured. Despite its strength, it couldn't withstand the combined attacks of the cultivators. Realizing it would surely die if the fight continued, the tiger turned and fled without hesitation, disappearing into the forest within seconds.

Everyone stood stunned, exchanging bewildered glances. No one had expected the once-mighty saber-toothed tiger to suddenly flee. However, seeing it escape brought a collective sigh of relief. The tiger's strength was formidable; continuing the fight would have resulted in significant losses for them.

Turning around, they approached the altar and discovered ten treasures placed around it. Each item radiated a dazzling light, clearly not ordinary artifacts.

"These are divine weapons!" Peterson Abernathy exclaimed in surprise upon closer inspection. In martial arts, treasures are ranked, with divine weapons being the highest tier. These weapons are forged from special materials and can enhance the user's power. Finding ten divine weapons here was astonishing.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes gleamed with greed. Divine weapons were extremely rare in this world. Even the Abernathy family possessed only one, held by Nathaniel Abernathy and seldom used unless absolutely necessary. Divine weapons could significantly boost one's strength, making them highly coveted.

Soon, a mad scramble ensued as everyone rushed to seize the divine weapons. Chris Shelby was the first to act, grabbing a golden longsword that exuded a powerful aura. Peterson Abernathy chose not to contest him for it but instead reached for a large blade that looked incredibly sharp and indestructible. Daniel Williams managed to secure a suit of soft armor made from celestial silk, both lightweight and impervious to weapons. Tiger grabbed an iron hammer so heavy it created a crater when struck against the ground-perfect for his preference for brute force weapons.

All ten divine weapons were quickly taken, leaving many empty-handed. Luck played as much a role as strength in securing these treasures. Devil's Frown looked particularly displeased since he had proposed coming to Jefferson Village but ended up with nothing.

Chris Shelby smiled and said, "Now that everyone has what they wanted, let's move on. The next palace should contain the Dragon Emblem scroll."

"Yes, there's no need for further cooperation," Daniel Williams suddenly attacked Chris Shelby with his sword while shouting, "Mr. Abernathy, now is our chance! If we don't kill Chris Shelby now, when will we?"

Chapter 1231: The Ninth Palace 1

Chapter 1231: The Ninth Palace 2

Chapter 1231: The Ninth Palace 3


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