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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232: Fierce Battle with Peterson Abernathy

"They're catching up, boss!" Tiger shouted as he heard the rapid footsteps behind them.

"Move!" Chris Shelby commanded without hesitation, leading Tiger and the others into the ninth palace.

As soon as they entered, darkness enveloped them. When the light returned, the surroundings had changed dramatically. They were no longer in the palace but in a vast underground cave filled with stalactites.

"Boss, what is this place?" Tiger asked curiously.

Chris Shelby surveyed the environment with a serious expression. "If I'm not mistaken, this is the real burial chamber."

Just then, a noise came from not far away. Chris Shelby walked over and saw Daniel Williams and Peterson Abernathy arriving with their men.

"Quick, find Chris Shelby immediately! Once you locate him, signal us at once!" Daniel ordered, and his men dispersed.

Chris Shelby narrowed his eyes slightly at the sight. Guardian Tim led a group toward Chris Shelby's position. Seeing Guardian Tim approach, Chris Shelby stepped out of the darkness with a smile.

"Guardian Tim, I didn't expect to see you so soon. I also didn't expect you to be working under Daniel Williams!"

Guardian Tim sneered at Chris Shelby. "Chris Shelby, wise men adapt to circumstances. Now that Lord Protector is cooperating with the Abernathy family, you won't escape today. I advise you to surrender."

"Hahaha!" Chris Shelby laughed loudly. "You dare speak such words to me? Last time I spared you out of pity, but now I'll kill you for your stubbornness!"

Previously, Guardian Tim had led an attack on East Coast and kidnapped Hope. Although Chris Shelby had crippled Guardian Tim's dantian, he hadn't killed him. Now Guardian Tim dared to oppose him again-he was courting death!

With that, Chris Shelby launched an attack on Guardian Tim. Guardian Tim's face changed as he ordered his men to kill Chris Shelby. Over a hundred cultivators charged at Chris Shelby.

Bang! Bang! Bang! In just a few minutes, Chris Shelby had slain all of them.

"This..." Guardian Tim's eyes widened in disbelief. Without hesitation, he chose to flee, knowing he was no match for Chris Shelby.

Seeing Guardian Tim trying to escape, Chris Shelby snorted coldly and rushed forward, slashing down with his sword. "Ah!" Guardian Tim screamed as one of his arms was severed by Chris Shelby's strike.

Before Guardian Tim could react, Chris Shelby struck again, aiming for his head. Terrified, Guardian Tim tried to defend himself but his dantian had already been crippled by Chris Shelby before. Though he had taken pills to restore it, his strength was not what it used to be. He couldn't block Chris Shelby's attack.

Bang! With a loud noise, Guardian Tim's head was severed by Chris Shelby's sword. Blood spurted from his neck instantly.

Chapter 1232: Fierce Battle With Peterson Abernathy 1


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