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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1238

Chapter 1238: East Coast University

Marie was a junior this year. To make ends meet, she worked part-time at East Coast University, so she rarely returned to Jefferson Village. Chris Shelby couldn't help but admire Harold Jefferson's sister. Nowadays, many university students indulged in various comparisons. In recent years, many students took out online loans to satisfy their high consumption habits. Some couldn't repay these loans and even resorted to jumping off buildings. Some girls went as far as selling their dignity and bodies to get loans. To Chris Shelby, such students were entirely to blame for their own misfortunes. If they hadn't compared themselves with others, none of this would have happened.

Chris Shelby, despite being a Primus, couldn't control these matters. After all, these were personal choices that he couldn't prevent.

Before long, Chris Shelby drove Harold Jefferson to the entrance of East Coast University. Seeing the youthful students coming and going at the gate, Chris Shelby felt a pang of nostalgia. He once studied at Haston University, the highest institution in Amerosia. Unfortunately, he hadn't completed his studies before being expelled from his family. Thus, he always felt a tinge of regret about university life.

Nowadays, most universities were open to the public. Chris Shelby and Harold Jefferson entered East Coast University without any trouble. Once inside, Chris Shelby began inquiring about Harold Jefferson's sister. Surprisingly, Marie was a well-known figure at East Coast University. According to the students' descriptions, Marie was the campus beauty and currently working part-time at a nearby leisure bar.

Hearing that his sister was working part-time made Harold Jefferson feel guilty. He blamed himself, saying, "It's all my fault for not being able to earn money to support my sister, forcing her to work so hard."

Chris Shelby patted his shoulder and comforted him, "Harold, don't say that. I've arranged for you to work as a security guard at Chester Group in a few days. As long as you work hard, you can ensure your sister has a good life."

Since Peter Jefferson had entrusted Harold Jefferson to him, Chris Shelby felt responsible for him. Unfortunately, Harold Jefferson wasn't well-educated; apart from his martial arts skills, he knew little else. Therefore, Chris Shelby could only arrange for him to work as a security guard at Chester Group.

Chester Group was now the top corporation in Amerosia and the leading enterprise on the East Coast. Even becoming a security guard there wasn't something just anyone could do. After all, even an ordinary security guard at Chester Group earned over ten thousand dollars a month-a fortune for someone like Harold Jefferson from a rural background!

Harold Jefferson nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! Mr. Shelby, you're right. I will work hard and never let you down!"

After finding out Marie's whereabouts, Chris Shelby and Harold Jefferson headed over there. It was noon, so the leisure bar was crowded with customers. They found a table and ordered some food.

"Waiter! Bring me some wine!"

Suddenly, a loud shout drew everyone's attention.

Chris Shelby turned his head and saw several hooligans eating at a nearby table.

Soon after, a delicate-featured girl with an exquisite figure brought over several bottles of wine. Seeing such a beautiful girl made the hooligans' eyes light up.

"Here is your wine," she said as she placed the bottles on the table and tried to leave.

At that moment, one of the hooligans grabbed her hand with a lecherous smile and said, "Why are you leaving so quickly? How about having a drink with us?"

The girl looked terrified and said, "Sorry, I don't drink."

She could tell these men were troublemakers-clearly people from the streets!

"We can teach you how to drink," they continued their harassment.

The girl's face filled with fear as she said, "Please stop! If you don't stop, I'll call for help!"


The hooligans burst into laughter.

"Let me tell you something; this area is our turf. Even if you scream your lungs out, no one will dare interfere!"

Chapter 1238: East Coast University 1


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