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Love in full bloom novel Chapter 1

Hotel Jen Room 1202

Mo Qinyu put the takeout box on the ground to knock the door, just finding that the door was open and left a gap.

She knocked the door politely,” Hello, this is your takeout.”

There was no replying in the room, only a cold wind blew through the gab with a frozen feeling.

She couldn’t help shivering and raised her voice,” Anybody here? Here is your takeout!”

It was still quiet inside.

She pushed the door carefully and peered inside, it was dark, no light and she couldn’t see anything.

Was the tenant out?

She was about to take out the phone to call to ask the condition, suddenly, a strong arm stretched out from the door and pulled her in.

It was just like a storm to involve her in, she felt a strong sick and dizzy, when she returned to herself, she had been pressed on the sofa by a big “mountain”.

No light, everywhere is darkness. Mo Qinyu couldn’t see his face clearly, only a pair of cold eyes were shining with cold light in the darkness.

Her intuition told her that it was a man, and he was a strong man.

She wanted to pushed him away, however, the moment she touched his skin, she trembled and withdrew her hands immediately as if she was pricked .

He had no clothes on and his skin was burning like fire.

She was panic-stricken and terrified now, trying her best to keep calm.

“I...I’m here to deliver the takeout. Abalone mushroom and chicken rice, lotus root and sparerib soup. It’s in total of...32 yuan.”

Her voice was still trembling lightly though she tried to control her stiff tongue.

“I’m not interested in that, I want to eat you!”

The man’s voice was low and hoarse, his body was so close to her, she only felt a hot gas covered her now.

Through the thin clothes, she could even feel his massive muscles, just hard as stones!

He seemed to be drunk now, if he became mad, it was so easy to tear her and eat her!

“I...My skin is rough and my flesh is thick, it’s disgusting. What’s more, I have diseases, very serious infections, that’s...AIDS, if you eat me, you would be infected. Your takeout is outside now, i take it in for you, Okay?”

She begged him with a gentle tone. To escape from a drunkard, she must outwit him and avoid provoking him.

The man sneers,” Imp! Don’t talk nonsense now, it’s you sent yourself to me!’

With that, he tore her clothes roughly.

He has endured for a long time.

Mo Qinyu realized his intention. She was so frightened that she began hitting and kicking him with all her strength regardless of other things, just wanted to free herself.

But it was obviously no use.

Her struggles were peanuts for the man.

“Please, let me go, okay? I’m here just to deliver your food, please...” she cried and implored him desperately.


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