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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 You‘re Really Unreserved

“What‘s this?” Damien looked at the check

Lately, he seemed to have a lot of luck with money. People were giving him money left and right–Clarissa had started it, and now, Joseph was doing the same.

How mocking!

Damien‘s gaze was cold, and his smile was icy.

“I heard Clarissa talking to her mother a few days ago. She still owes you 930 thousand dollars, doesn‘t she? I‘ll pay it off for her,” Joseph said.

“You?” Damien looked at the check before tearing it to shreds. “Who do you think you are?!”

“Damien Lawrence!” Joseph shot to his feet angrily.

“There‘s no need for you to interfere in our personal matters,” Damien said. “I‘m busy, so get lost!”

Joseph stormed out, infuriated.

The moment he left, Emily came. This was her first time entering Damien‘s office,

“President Lawrence. You were the one who gave Luke that house, right? Now, Connie.” Emily crossed her arms over her chest. She had yet to finish her sentence when Damien had already called the marketing department.

“Fire Connie Hale,” he said to the sales manager.

After that, he lit a cigarette and asked Emily, “Satisfied with that?”

The angry look on Emily‘s face disappeared immediately. “You really know what a woman wants, President Lawrence. I‘m very satisfied. It‘s best if you can let Luke know to kick Connie back to Pentatone County.”

“I‘ll call him right now.”

Damien called Luke in front of Emily, and told him not to let Connie stay with them


How could Luke possibly deny Damien? He immediately agreed to it.

Emily couldn‘t help thinking how considerate Damien was.

He was so accommodating toward her requests. This made Emily feel like she was rather important…

Emily specifically made a trip to the marketing department. As she watched Connie packing her things with a pale face, Emily couldn‘t help laughing.

Damien intended to fire Connie in the first place. Emily had given him the perfect reason to

do so.

All of Connie‘s hatred and resentment were aimed at Emily.

Damien called Clarissa, and told her to come to his office.

Clarissa was confused. ‘I haven‘t done anything wrong lately. Why does he want to see me?

“Aren‘t you going to apologize to me?” This was the first thing Damien said when Clarissa stepped into his office.


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