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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Saw A Brand

Joseph had told Frank and his mother, Shirley Clay, that Clarissa was having his children, which meant that the babies were their grandchildren.

Even so, everyone was still in doubt over who the father of Clarissa‘s children really was. Some claimed that they belonged to her ex–husband, while some said that Joseph was the father.

Even if the babies really had been fathered by Joseph, Clarissa was still Damien‘s ex–wife.

In the past, Damien had warned Frank more than once because of Clarissa and Joseph‘s relationship

“Does Damien know you invited Clarissa to stay with us?” Frank asked anxiously when Joseph told him about it.

“Yeah. We talked about this to his face, and he didn‘t say anything.”

Frank was still nervous, though. He couldn‘t sit still.

Shirley wasn‘t as apprehensive as her husband. Firstly, she believed in destiny. Secondly, she didn‘t know much about Frank‘s business, so she didn‘t know anything about what he had done in the past as well as the grudges between him and Damien. All she knew was that her son had brought his pregnant lover home, and they were having twins. She couldn‘t be happier.

So, at first, Shirley was very enthusiastic and welcoming toward Clarissa.

There was no way for people living under the same roof to completely avoid each other. Every time Frank saw Clarissa, he would smile at her awkwardly before scurrying off to hide somewhere.

Shirley, on the other hand, was a lot friendlier.

She was around Theresa‘s age, so Clarissa couldn‘t help transferring her feelings for Theresa to Shirley. They got along pretty well.

Meanwhile, Joseph had been working on the projects they had gotten from Damien.

The way Clarissa had gotten the projects was a huge blow to Joseph, but it was something that she had put her heart into, and she‘d done it for the firm. Clarissa didn‘t go into the office, and normally worked from home. When she got tired, she would stroll around the park in front of the villa. On this day, after having lunch, she wanted to take a walk to help with digestion. Shirley felt the same, so they headed out together.

They had just reached the entrance when they saw a Maybach parked at the gate.

Clarissa‘s face fell instantly.

This was Damien‘s car. Fortunately, he hadn‘t come. The chauffeur was the one who got out of the car.

He took a huge bag from the car and walked toward Clarissa.

When he came close, she saw that the bag was filled with snacks.

“What‘s this?” she asked warily. She didn‘t know what Damien was up to.

“President Lawrence saw that you really enjoyed the prunes from last time, so he got someone to scavenge for all sorts of sour snacks and told me to bring them to you. Where should I leave them?” the chauffeur asked.


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