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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239 Damien Was Staring at His Shirt When Shirley saw that Clarissa was staring at the tag on the shirt without doing anything else, she knew her “hint” hadn’t done its job.

Coupled with what Damien’s chauffeur had done earlier, she couldn’t help feeling a little displeased.

“Aren’t you going to buy some for Joseph?” Shirley said. “It’s almost the new year.” “Huh?” Clarissa quickly returned to her senses. “Aren’t you going to buy your man a few shirts? You’re already living with us,” Shirley said,

When Clarissa heard Shirley say “your man”, the first person that popped into her mind was Damien.

However, Shirley was right to remind her about this. Joseph had invited her to stay with them and had treated her very well. She hadn’t really done anything to thank him aside from bringing in a few deals. Since Shirley had already made herself clear, Clarissa felt that perhaps she should buy a couple of shirts for Joseph.

“What size does Joseph wear?” Clarissa asked. “You’re already having his kids, but you don’t know his size?” Shirley was surprised, but she wasn’t the type to harshly criticize others. She couldn’t help feeling bad for her son, though.” He wears size XL.”

“Oh, okay.” Clarissa sensed the change in Shirley’s tone and hurriedly picked out two gray shirts for Joseph.

It was almost evening by the time they got home,

Clarissa was tired, so she went to her room to get some rest. She received a WhatsApp message from Luke. Luke: (Don’t you think things would’ve been better for us both if you had gotten together with Joseph earlier? Damien’s too cruel. He lifted me so high up so he could make the fall that much more unbearable, and I don’t even know how I’m going to enjoy myself now. It’s a much smarter move for a woman to be with someone who likes her than to be with someone she likes.)

Clarissa didn’t reply to him. Still, this was her first time thinking that Luke made sense. She didn’t see any change in Luke even after Theresa’s death. Coupled with everything that he had done before, she didn’t want to bother about him.

So, she didn’t ask him about Emily’s miscarriage.

Soon, Joseph was back.

His room was on the second floor. He had explained this to his parents that since Clarissa was pregnant, it wasn’t convenient for them to sleep in the same room.

Clarissa called him into her room.

“I went shopping with Mrs. Moore today and bought you two shirts. Here, try them on,” she said.

“You bought them for me?” Joseph’s eyes lit up.

She suddenly thought about what Luke had said-being with someone who liked her was better than being with someone she liked.

“Yeah, they happened to catch my eye. Anyway, it’s almost the new year, and you’ve helped me out so much. Try them on!”

Joseph took his coat off in front of her.

She turned away politely.

“It fits pretty well. You have good taste, Clarissa.” He was as happy as a lark.


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