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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 Her Belly “Aren’t you going to work today?”

Clarissa continued to ask Damien. “No. I already spoke to Ray yesterday.”

Clarissa gave it a thought, and wondered if Damien stayed home on purpose. Perhaps not. After all, she wasn‘t home when Ray came yesterday. There was no way for Damien to have the power to read the future.

“Alright,” Clarissa answered reluctantly.

“You don‘t want me to drive?” Damien asked again.

“It‘s not that. I just feel like it‘s a waste to have a president like you as my driver,” Clarissa replied seriously. “Anything. I don‘t mind,” Damien said. Clarissa replied with another nonchalant hum.

Clarissa‘s belly was big, so she could only sit in the back. She didn‘t want to wear the seat belt, but Damien forced her to buckle up.

When Damien was putting on Clarissa‘s seat belt, he accidentally touched her belly with his hand. Her belly felt very hard, like a bulging balloon.

Damien seemingly paused the actions on his hand by instinct. He subconsciously drew a circle on Clarissa‘s belly.

Clarissa felt a little uncomfortable at his paused movement. After all, they were his babies. Although they were under the same roof, he had never touched her stomach.

Damien went to the driver‘s seat and drove.

Clarissa looked out the window. Several times, she had the urge to tell Damien that the babies were his. Upon recalling the devastating incident when her mother fell and his inhuman cruelty, Clarissa decided against it.

Clarissa knew she was being cruel, but she just couldn‘t make peace with him, especially not after everything he had done.

When they arrived at Arisona Construction, Damien and Clarissa went to the meeting room together. At first, Mr. Lark was disgusted by Clarissa‘s visit. However, he suddenly understood everything when he saw Damien behind Clarissa. That must be why James had called Clarissa personally.

Damien might have called James last night and told him about it.

Clarissa was flaunting her power like a fox. However, James wasn‘t interested in her. Rather, he was interested in the man behind her. After all, it was Arisona Construction‘s dream to work with New East Corporation.

Damien was a big name in Genovia. How could anyone not know him?

“You guys talk. I‘m just the driver.” After saying that, Damien sat down at the back of the conference table and picked up a newspaper to read. He was dressed casually today, and didn‘t look like he was here for a work meeting.


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