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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Maternity Testing When Clarissa got into the car, she breathed a sigh of relief. She won two projects, so she would be busy with work for the coming end of the year.

“You‘ve won the project. Why don‘t you reward me and sing a song?” Damien asked out of the blue.

Clarissa knew he was taunting her, so she turned her head to the window instead. “It depends on who!”

“If it‘s me, you‘ll sing and sleep with me?” he asked again.

Damien sat in the front seat, but Clarissa was in the back. He kept looking at Clarissa in the rearview mirror. The latter half of his sentence made Clarissa blush a little.

“Well, I didn‘t show up anyway, did I?” Clarissa replied.

“You missed the appointment, so you found someone else to sleep with?”

“Aren‘t you happy with that? I got the project, anyway.” Clarissa dismissed Damien, sounding disdainful.

“Yeah, I‘m not as good as you. You got pregnant with someone else‘s child before we even divorced,” Damien said mockingly.

“Well, since it‘s someone else‘s child, why are you helping me to win the project? Do you think I don‘t know what you‘re doing? You‘re the one flaunting your power. I‘m just an ignorant fox. You‘re the one they‘re afraid of!” Clarissa restrained her annoyance, trying her best not to get angry.

know that you cheated on me!” growled Damien in a low and raspy voice.

Clarissa looked out the window and heaved angrily. Damien‘s words were repulsive and unbearable.

When the car arrived in the neighborhood, Clarissa got out and went upstairs without saying a word to him.

Damien walked behind her alone, all the while carrying the stack of documents in his hands.

Clarissa went to her room and sat at her desk. When Damien entered her room with the files in his hand, she was still sulking

When he came in, Clarissa turned her head away and refused to meet his eyes. Damien did not say a word. He only put his things down and left in silence.

At night, Damien did not stay at home. Mrs. Faber and Clarissa were the only ones at dinner.

“I don‘t know where he‘s gone again. He must be having fun!” Clarissa spat in annoyance.

“How can that be? He‘s probably taking care of Clary at Hill Villa,” Mrs. Faber said.

“Who?“Clarissa frowned.

Mrs. Faber noticed the overly casual tone in her earlier reply and quickly explained, “It‘s that black cat. It‘s named Clary. President Lawrence got used to calling the cat Clary, so I‘m used to it as well. He probably went there to feed the cat and change its food. He‘s got a lot of houses, so he can stay


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