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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 She Didn‘t Want To Anger Him Again

Clarissa didn‘t know what Damien meant by that, so she stayed silent.

After that, Damien headed to the living room.

Clarissa asked Joseph to enter her bedroom. The moment he entered the room, his gaze landed on her bed.

In the past, there was only one pillow on Clarissa‘s bed. Now, there were two pillows. There were even obvious signs that someone had slept on the other side of the bed for a long time. It was clear who had been sleeping with her.

As expected, the two got back together again.

“Happy New Year, Joseph!” Clarissa held her long hair as she attempted to tie it.

It had been a while since he last saw her. Even her hair had grown.

Joseph revealed an awkward smile and greeted her back.“ Happy New Year, Clarissa. I went to church with my mother today. She asked for a cross for you, to protect you and your kids from harm.”

Then, Joseph took out the cross and attached a string to it, turning it into a necklace.

“Aww! You don‘t have to do that. Thank you, though.” Clarissa was quite surprised as she received the silver–gilded


She was never a religious person, so she didn‘t know that he could get something as pretty as this at the church.

“Yeah, my mother went to the church on purpose and to get it for you. It‘s fine if you don‘t believe in it. Just treat it like a lucky charm,” Joseph added.

Ever since Clarissa got pregnant, she had become a superstitious person who would do anything to keep her babies safe. When she heard the word “lucky charm’, she accepted the gift right away.

“Always wear this on you, okay? If you take it off, the charm would wear off, and it won‘t be as effective,” Joseph insisted.

Clarissa didn‘t know if it was the best decision to wear it all the time. With how she was living with Damien at the moment, it seemed a bit rude to wear the cross around him. What would she do if Damien thought she had been fooling around with Joseph again?

“Actually, I have some work–related stuff to discuss with you today,” Joseph continued. “Mr. Lark from Arisona Construction announced that he‘s willing to sign a three–year contract with us, and he wants you to be his accountant during the project duration. It seems he‘s very impressed with your work, Clarissa.”

Clarissa was dumbfounded, staring at Joseph with a shocked expression.

“What‘s the matter? You don‘t want to take on the job?” Joseph asked.

Clarissa thought for a moment Then she told him about her


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