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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 Hubby

Around five in the evening, Damien knocked on Clarissa‘s door.

“Clarissa, it‘s dinner time,” he said.

At this moment, Clarissa was writing in her journal.

She felt like a stupid woman for having sex with Damien again yesterday. If she knew she would come back to him again, what was the point of fleeing overseas to suffer alone? The knowledge that Damien was her mother‘s killer flooded her with instant remorse after she had slept with him.

With these conflicted emotions surging inside her, Clarissa bit her lip, as if trying to make sense of them.

Damien‘s sudden appearance made Clarissa shudder slightly.

“What are you so afraid of?” Damien asked.

“Nothing, it was very quiet just now. The way you suddenly spoke scared me, is all,” Clarissa replied. She stood up and went to the dining table.

Today, she had purposely worn a fur jacket to hide the necklace on her neck, which Joseph had gifted her just now.

Although Damien wasn’t that good at cooking, he still went out of his way to fry some fish and sauteed some vegetables for her.

None of them spoke as they ate.

Clarissa thought, ‘He‘s still taking care of me even though he thought I‘m not pregnant with his kids. I should probably stop making things difficult for him.‘

Clarissa even thought that the reason Nicole got into jail was somehow related to her pushing Clarissa down the stairs. Although Clarissa couldn‘t agree with Damien‘s way of destroying Nicole‘s life, she still understood that Damien was just looking out for her.

Penelope was probably right, too. Damien had probably asked Arisona Corporation to partner up with the company and speak highly of Clarissa, in hopes that her colleagues would view her in a different light.

Although she hated him to the core, Damien had never once talked back against her.

Hadn‘t he endured enough? He was obviously very apologetic about it.

Noticing his kind gestures, Clarissa‘s hatred for Damien dissipated as time stretched on.

They still loved each other, despite everything that had happened

Clarissa picked up some fish and put it in his bowl.

Then, she continued enjoying her meal.

“Is this for me?” Damien asked Clarissa,



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