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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Have You Been Vomiting A Lot?

Damien parked his car in front of a restaurant.

Clarissa trailed from behind, her hands on her waist.

“Are you sure you don‘t want to eat?” Damien ordered his food. “Yes, I‘m sure. Can I have a lemonade please?” Clarissa asked the waitress politely.

Damien ordered a Foie Gras, caviar, a steak, a set of sashimi, a salad, and a dessert.

To Damien, the feast was like a celebratory meal for the new year.

“Are you sure you don‘t want to eat?” Damien asked.

“Yes, I‘m sure,” Clarissa said, scrolling through her Whatsapp messages.

She hadn‘t had the time to check through her messages just now.

[Clarissa, Nathan is Penelope‘s father. From what I‘ve heard, they‘re rich. Nathan and my father know each other. I‘m sure they‘ve already discussed this beforehand to take control of the accounting firm. I don‘t think you should work at First any longer. It‘s going to hurt you in the long run. I‘ve talked to Rebecca about this, and I thought it‘s better if you opt for a position at Great West. Since we‘ve invested two times the amount in Great West when compared to First, we‘ll be leaving First soon. I can‘t believe that the accounting firm we built went to waste in just a few months.]

Clarissa didn‘t reply to that.

Rebecca had sent a message to her as well.

Rebecca: [Clarissa, come and work for me! Nathan‘s just a rich man with a stupid brain. Even though Penelope‘s been consistent with her work in First, she‘s still not a professional like you. She‘s not even an Accounting graduate, for god‘s sake! People must‘ve been talking behind her back about her being an incompetent manager! I bet she‘s jealous of your achievements and got sick of people gossiping. That‘s why she asked her father to interfere!]

Clarissa: (Thank you for the offer, Rebecca, but I think I‘ll take a break for now. I‘m pregnant and I need some time off for myself.]

Rebecca: (Alright. Contact me if you need anything, okay?] Clarissa: [Alright.] Clarissa didn‘t want to work at First anymore, nor did she want to go for Great West. After everything that had happened, these two places had left a deep scar in her heart.

Seeing that Rebecca wasn‘t pressing on any further, Clarissa heaved a deep breath. Right now, her only wish was to study overseas.

However, she still hadn‘t received her offer from Kortel University yet.

Although she knew that they took a long time to reply, Clarissa was still anxious about it.

She sent a message to Joseph.

Clarissa: (I‘ll give you my username and password to access my Google account. Can you find


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someone to help me search for lost emails?]

Joseph: (Sure.]

Clarissa didn‘t expect Joseph to reply that fast. Still in a state of anxiety, she kept fidgeting with her phone uncomfortably.


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