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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Why Are You So Nervous? Clarissa knew she mustn‘t let Damien know that she was aware of what he had done!

If he found out about it, he might still delete future incoming emails.

She thought it would be best to feign ignorance, so she could just leave without his knowledge when the time came!

“Are you okay? The waitress told me that your stomach is hurting,” Damien asked.

Clarissa‘s eyes turned soft and gentle. “I don‘t feel well today. Can you send me to the hospital? The one where Bethany‘s working at.”

Noticing her pale complexion and the way she was pressing on her stomach, Damien helped her up and sent her to the hospital immediately.

On the way, she contacted Bethany through voice messages.

“You caught me at the right time. I‘m on day shift today. Are you okay? Are you bleeding at all?”

“No, my stomach just hurts a lot.” The pain was so intense that she was sweating profusely.

She wanted to lay down, but she couldn‘t find a comfortable position in the car. “Endure it for a while.” Damien saw her painful expression through the rearview mirror.

Around twenty minutes later, they arrived at the hospital.

After a round of examination, Bethany asked Damien to enter her office.

“Have you been unhappy these days? You should always maintain a positive state of mind, especially since you‘re about to give birth in a few months. Fortunately, there‘s nothing wrong with you or the baby. But you still have to take care of yourself. Don‘t get worked up over trivial things.”

Damien stood beside Clarissa, but didn‘t say anything.

“Someone‘s been stopping me from maintaining a positive state of mind nowadays,” Clarissa said with a miserable tone. Her life had never been peaceful with Damien beside her.

These few days, they had been quarreling with each other and making love right after. What was more, the thing that infuriated Clarissa the most was Damien deleting her offer letter without her knowledge. He wouldn‘t even let her pursue her postgraduate studies!

“There‘s something I want to ask you, Can we have sex during pregnancy?” Clarissa asked as she glanced at Damien furtively.

Chapter 266 Why Are You So Nervoud?

She wanted Damien to know just how much harm he had inflicted upon her.


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