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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 366

Chapter 366 We’re Already Divorced Saturday, Odyssey Hotel.

Early in the morning, the vice president of the hotel reminded all the staff that the Lawrence family had booked the hotel for the day to celebrate Neil’s birth. He instructed the staff to do their best.

The floors were polished till one could see one’s reflection on them, and the whole hotel was cleaner than it had ever been.

At around eleven in the morning, guests started showing up at the hotel.

Damien’s parents weren’t attending. After all, Patrick stood out too much, and it was better for him to not be in the spotlight Vanessa would stay at home with him.

Afterwards, Mrs. Faber brought Neil to the hotel.

The guests in attendance were some of the most important and renowned in Genovia.

Joseph was here as well. Damien had invited him.

Lily felt a little uncomfortable to be included among these guests, but at the very least, Landon was with her.

“I don’t even know why President Lawrence’s having this celebration when Clarissa’s not here,” she complained, sounding displeased

“Just wait and see,” Landon said,

Lily sat down at a corner and watched the guests mingling around. She wasn’t in the mood at all

“Oh, right. Didn’t Manor of the Marquis call off the placement of the game that you were going to work on with Rhythmic Technology? Clarissa and I went to the banquet thrown by Penelope’s family to see if we could find you other options, but everyone there was so infuriating! I didn’t have a good impression of them, so that’s the end of your collaboration with them. You should avoid working with them in the future so that you don’t get implicated in anything What goes around comes around. They’ll eventually get what they deserve for all the bad things they’re doing “She sounded a little guilty,

Her head was lowered as she stared at her juice.

Landon couldn’t help laughing when he heard her explanation

He had always known that she was the carefree type, but he hadn’t expected her to be so naive

“You wanted to help me out? You don’t know anything about it, though.” Landon was surprised

“I wanted to do whatever I could to help because you seemed to be feeling down.” Lily’s voice was low

This warmed Landon’s heart. He was thankful that someone had noticed his feelings and had tried so hard to help him.

He was also very grateful to Lily for doing all of this for him.

“I don’t want you to do this anymore,” Landon said, taking hold of Lily’s hand. Lily’s eyes widened in surprise. His sudden show of affection was a pleasant surprise to her, and it caught her off guard. “Okay.” She smiled

Damien was dressed in a gray suit, looking as elegant as ever. He was toasting the guests, and it was impossible to tell from his appearance that his wife had just run away.

Mrs. Faber sat at the same table as him, with Neil cradled in her arms.


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