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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367 I Need to Study Hard Neil’s celebration wasn’t just all over social media. It was all over the entertainment news as well.

Connie sent Clarissa a video of the celebration together with a short message

Connie: (Clarissa, this celebration is being thrown for your son. Why aren’t you here?)

At first, Clarissa wondered why Connie was being so kind and sending her this video.

She had seen most of the videos on Instagram, and the contents were mostly the same. She thought Connie’s video was the same as the others.

But when she watched the video, she suffered a huge blow,

“We’re already divorced and living our separate lives. I don’t see any reason for her to be here.”

Damien’s words reverberated in Clarissa’s ears.

She knew Connie couldn’t be so kind, Connie just wanted to torment her.

And tormented Clarissa was Everyone else had a tacit understanding to conceal Damien’s words, but Connie had sent that exact part of the recording to Clarissa

It looked like Damien truly hated her now. Since there was no reason for her to be at the celebration, there wouldn’t be any reason for her to be in his life.

Clarissa had initially wanted to write Damien an email, but she ended up not doing so after seeing the video

She threw her mouse in exasperation, and the noise attracted Yonah.

“What’s wrong, Clarissa?” She nudged Clarissa’s shoulder

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Clarissa said.

Yonah picked up Clarissa’s phone and watched the video,

“Is this your husband? All men are the same! They’re afraid of women being more powerful than them because they won’t be able to act all high and Inighty anymore Since your husband’s like this, shouldn’t you study even harder to show him up?”

“I do need to study hard, but…” Clarissa wanted to tell Yonah that Damien wasn’t the one at fault. She had left the country for a reason

She also wanted to tell Yonah about Mr. Black Suit and the mysterious ring, but she was afraid that the walls had ears. If they were to find out about this, Yonah would be in danger as well. Thus, Clarissa didn’t say anything “You’re still on his side even after he said such terrible things?” Frustration was drawn all over Yonah’s face. “If you don’t study hard, Clarissa, I’ll be the first person to look down on



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