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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Can You Fly the Plane?

The sudden sound of the explosion shocked all the passengers in the cabin.

The crew members were also shocked.

They all looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

All they saw was that outside the window, a flock of large black birds flew by, and soon a smell of burnt feathers and meat came into the cabin.


The captain was so nervous and quick to react that he immediately went into the cockpit, only to find that the instrument panel readings showed that both engines had stopped working.

Sometimes the accident would come out of the blue in an instant.

Johnson, the co-pilot who was flying the plane, had never encountered such a situation before and panicked. He reported in Yardeenese. “Captain, the flock of birds suddenly came over so fast that they have crashed into the plane before we could react. I think it’s the engine…”

The captain looked cold and serious. He immediately switched places with the co-pilot to take over and control the plane. Meanwhile, he contacted the control tower, trying to find an alternate landing site.

It happened too suddenly. Not to mention the passengers, even the crew did not know what was going on. They just felt that the plane was going down.

Below the plane was the most prosperous and densely populated urban area of Engese, with rows of high-rise buildings.

“What’s it? What the hell is going on?”

“Why is the plane going down?”

“Is it malfunctioning? It smells like roast meat. Did the flock of birds that just flew by blow up?”

Passengers in the economy and business class were asking questions. The stewardesses were trying to calm them down, with little success. The cabin was in chaos.

In first class, Aleft and Aright hadn’t quite figured out what was going on.

Hailey’s eyes were suddenly wide open. “No!”

“What’s wrong, Ms. Newman?”

Aright was halfway up. “The plane keeps going down. Is it malfunctioning?”

“The flock of birds that flew by just now…”

The look in Hailey’s eyes was getting colder quickly. “They hit the plane’s engine and blew up.”

If she wasn’t wrong, the flock of birds that flew by just now caused the plane’s engine to be damaged, so the

plane that was flying in the sky lost power and could only keep falling.

Aleft and Aright opened their eyes wide in shock.

Although they had never flown a plane, they could drive and knew what the engine meant to the plane.

If the engine broke down, the plane would just keep falling instead of flying…

Aleft looked out of the window at the skyscrapers below. His eyes widened. “It’s falling faster. If the plane

crashes, then…”

The consequences were beyond imagination!

Both people on the plane and those in the buildings below would have to suffer!

Hailey, who had always been calm and collected, grew pale at the moment and her heart pounded.

The cabins in the back were already in an uproar.

“This is an air crash, air crash!”

“Didn’t they say the plane was safe? How could we encounter this kind of thing? Oh…”

“What airline are you guys from? I’m going to file a complaint against you! How did the captain fly the plane? Why didn’t he avoid the birds?”

“Damn, I didn’t pay so much money for death! You have to give me an explanation!”

The stewardesses tried to reassure them in vain. The crew members, who had no idea what was going on, only say repeatedly, “Please calm down. Please trust us and believe in our captain’s professionalism…”

Meanwhile, in the cockpit.


The control tower was informed of the current situation on the plane and quickly found an alternate landing

site, only a few kilometers away.

However, the captain didn’t look optimistic in the slightest. With no power in the plane, they couldn’t do a forced landing even if it was only a few kilometers away.

In the nick of time, a clear blue river came into the captain’s view.

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 316 1

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 316 2


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