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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317 May She Be Safe

In the wee hours of the morning. Owen was woken up by the sound of wind and rain outside.

He got up to close the window. The cold rain sprayed and made his face wet. It was pitch dark outside.

At this time, Hailey’s plane should have arrived in Engese, right?

Owen wondered if the flight would be affected by the weather…

He frowned and then thinking of the differences in time and climate, he couldn’t help but give a bitter smile. How stupid he was.

He got back into bed, but for some reason, he felt uneasy and had a tight chest.

Closing his eyes, he couldn’t sleep anymore.

He turned on his phone to check the news, only to find that a plane from Poya to Bormintam had been lost in Engese. Instantly, he sat up in shock!

It was Flight Y1106 from Poya to Bormintam. Wasn’t that the same plane Hailey was on?

His heart jolted violently.

The phone suddenly vibrated.

It was a call from Jose.

Owen felt that his palms were cold and sweating. His throat was so dry that he almost lost his voice when he

answered, “Hello?”

“Bad news, Mr. Moore. Ms. Newman’s flight crashed…”

Owen’s eyes turned red and a chill went through his body at that moment.

Flight Y1106 was lost and the news of the plane crash was covered all over the world, both at home and


Both Congland and Engese were desperately trying to track and find them.

There were more than 10 crew members and over 300 passengers. Their families panicked upon learning the

news and ran to the airport to demand an explanation. The international airport was crowded with people. Despite the wind and rain, Owen arrived at the international airport as well.

He wanted to take the earliest flight to Engese, but due to this incident, all flights to Engese today were cancelled.

He could only go to Poya by his private plane as soon as possible.

Jose tried to stop him. “No, Mr. Moore, you just had a craniotomy. It hasn’t been 3 months yet. You can’t fly.

Something could happen!”

Owen wouldn’t listen to Jose. He just knew that he had to get to Hailey. The closer he could get to her, the


He had to find her!

He would find her!

Looking at Owen, who was completely out of control, Jose had no choice but to inquire about the whereabouts of the plane while asking the crew of the private plane to stall for as long as possible.

In the lounge, Owen sat in a chair in the corner. Maybe because of the rain, he was stiff and cold, and his face.

was pale.

The large airport was now like a food market, with families crying, screaming, and shouting. Some were

hysterical and wanted the airline to pay with their lives, while others cried out for compensation…

The police had to rush over to keep order.

Owen’s eyes were bloodshot. At this moment, he even wanted to join the crowd. If this could get Hailey back to


him, he would also go to cry and make a scene!

Hailey was all right when she boarded the plane. So what happened? Why did the plant get lost? Hadn’t Roger been arrested?

Then who did it?

To kill Hailey, they had to involve more than 300 people on the plane?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Owen’s mind. The feelings of suffocation and despair swallowed him whole. He couldn’t wait or stand it anymore!

“Where is the plane? When will it arrive?”

He asked Jose in a deep cold voice and pressed Jose again. “If it doesn’t arrive within an hour, you can go to hell!”

Jose didn’t know what to say.

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 317 1


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