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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 12

Everyone simultaneously looked at Juliana and Hanley.

Feeling the collective gaze, Juliana straightened up and flashed a smile at Hanley, asking, “What if Cordelia starts hounding you?”

Hanley lifted his chin with an air of finality. “Our engagement is set. It’s not changing for anyone.”

With that, Juliana relaxed.

She and Hanley had grown up together, their relationship always teetering on the edge of something more. Now, with their engagement on the horizon, she trusted that Hanley harbored no feelings for Cordelia.

Their conversation was neither hushed nor loud, but just enough for the onlookers to overhear.

A few snide voices began to mock Cordelia, “Being the top of the class doesn’t mean you can win Hanley’s heart, huh?”

“If I were her, I’d stay well away. How shameless can you get, always hovering around Hanley…”

Cordelia cooled her gaze but before she could speak up, Merry interjected, “Some folks really have nothing better to do than to poke their noses into others’ business!”

Merry had a sing-song quality, even when she was hurling insults.

The teasers promptly shut their mouths.

Merry then glanced at Juliana and Hanley with a snort, “And some people really have the gall!”

The classroom fell silent. When it came to quick wit, no one could outdo Merry.

Seeing that Merry had defused the situation, Cordelia nodded to show her thanks and made her way to her seat, but Merry turned and headed for the door.

The class president called out, “Merry, class is about to start, where are you off to?”

Merry looked back, blowing a bubble with her gum, “Arcade.”

Cordelia blinked in surprise.

Merry didn’t return for the rest of the day.

Soon it was time for the afternoon study period.

Hanley packed up his books, ready for his tutoring session. Juliana stood up as well, heading to her physics competition prep class in room 302, right next to the math classroom.

As they reached the door, Juliana caught a glimpse of Cordelia rising a beat slower and heading in their direction. She couldn’t resist asking, “What if she talks to you? It would be rude to ignore her, right?”

Hanley paused, seemingly conflicted, “That’s true…”

He slowed his pace. By the time Cordelia caught up, they were at the stairwell. As they hesitated on whether to acknowledge her, Cordelia walked past them without a glance, not even sparing them a greeting.

Hanley and Juliana stopped in their tracks, enveloped in an awkward silence.


Cordelia entered the classroom to find only a handful of students had shown up.

She found a seat. Soon after, Latham walked in. He discussed a few competition problems and set the class to work on them before approaching Cordelia with a test in hand, “Try this out, I want to gauge where you stand.”

Cordelia nodded and got to work.

Hanley watched her from a not-too-distant seat, unable to keep from monitoring her progress.

The test Latham handed to Cordelia was standard competition level. Hanley, a seasoned math competitor, had gotten them all correct.

Cordelia worked quickly, finishing the two-hour test in one, causing a twinge of concern in Hanley.


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