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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 13

Mathilda had been trudging around town all day long, her spirit nearly trampled by the weight of her worries. She knew some of her students were in Greenmeadow. But they all said that those decent coffees like St. Helena Coffee were all tucked away by Hackett.

The more questions Mathilda asked, the more desperate she felt.

Being mocked by Laurinda didn’t faze her much, but when Lorna managed to ruffle the feathers of Steward, Mathilda knew life at the Delaney family would only get tougher.

Cordelia, the apple of her eye, began to interject, but Mathilda cut her off, her voice heavy with disapproval. “When your mother wanted to marry your father, I was against it. High society life is no cakewalk. After the wedding, Laurinda nitpicked everything your mother did, especially since Kermit’s wife is from an appropriate family background. Lorna’s place in the household just plummeted.”

Cordelia tried to speak but was cut off again. “And then you went missing, Laurinda took it out on Lorna even more. I told Lorna to have another child, that it’d make life easier, but that she refused, saying it wouldn’t be fair to you.”

Cordelia was taken aback, warmth spreading through her chest. Lorna had gone to such lengths for her... This revelation deepened Cordelia’s sense of belonging and reshaped her understanding of her mother.

“Lorna’s too headstrong,” Mathilda continued, her eyes reddening. “Once she sets her mind on something, she charges ahead. She was so esteemed, courted by many, but look at her now. It breaks my heart.”

Mathilda trembled her voice, “Steward has already gone home. Your father’s out of state on business and won’t make it back today. There’s no one in that house to stand up for Lorna. But I won’t stand for it! Even if it costs me my life, I won’t let her be mistreated. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just take Lorna back home with me!”

With that, she marched toward the grand hall.

Cordelia was speechless. ‘Grandma, can I just get a word in?’ she thought.

She followed Mathilda, swiftly retrieving a packet of coffee beans from her backpack and slipping it into her hand.

Mathilda wanted to examine it, but Laurinda’s scolding voice echoed from the living room, “Lorna, you are the disgrace of the Delaney family!”

Cordelia furrowed her brow. Without another word, both women hastened their steps into the living room.

The maids were all peeking from the dining area, craning their necks toward the drama unfolding in the living room. There, Steward and Laurinda sat on the plush sofa, Steward with a storm brewing on his face and Laurinda looking like she was settling in for a juicy episode of her favorite soap opera.

Lorna stood before them, unable to lift her head, her eyes brimming with tears.

“What do you have to cry about?” Laurinda sneered. “What else can you do besides cry? Lorna, do you have any idea how important this project was for the company?”

Lorna had no defense. She took a deep breath and lifted her head. “I was wrong. I accept the consequences.”

The situation had escalated beyond the point of argument.

Lorna knew Steward valued his pride above all. He had defended her before, not because of any particular affection for her but to save face for the Delaney family after Laurinda had slapped her too publicly.

Steward spoke, “Very well, let’s resort to the family discipline!”

These words sent a shiver through Lorna.

Laurinda continued, “It’s not personal, Lorna. But if we let such a blunder slide, what will become of the Delaney family’s authority? Steward, you don’t object to this punishment, do you?”

Steward furrowed his brow and nodded reluctantly.As he did, Sandra approached with the prepared punishment rod, its steel surface gleaming ominously. Lorna shrank her pupils at the sight, her shoulders beginning to tremble. With one strike from that rod, she’d be swollen for a month, or so Sanderson had warned.

Laurinda was gleamed with anticipation. The humiliation she suffered yesterday would be avenged today.


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