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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 43

His lips were persistent in planting kisses on the side of my neck as his hand began groping my breasts. I cursed myself for letting myself get into this morbid situation. I should have seen this coming. However, rather than blaming my past self, I needed to figure out how to get out of here and away from Josh.

His large hand squeezed my breast, and I was repulsed by his touch. I started hitting him as hard as I could as I squirmed in his arms, but I wasn’t strong enough to push him away. His lips had begun nibbling on my neck before he started sucking on my skin. His hands were restless as it stroked my breasts and then my legs.

“Stop! Please stop this!” I continued to scream as he continued to harass me.

That was when I realized that we were inside his private lounge. Who could come and save me now?

I could smell Josh’s cologne as it filled my senses and the wetness of his kisses along my neck. His hands fondled my body, my breasts, and my ass. It felt disgusting. It felt so dirty…

I want to get out of here.

Somebody please help me!

Hayden! Please help me, Hayden!

Before I realized it, I had started sobbing.

I took in a large breath before I shouted at the top of my lungs…


There was a loud slamming sound, and my eyes flew wide open at the same time that the door to the private lounge was swung open. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. If this is a dream, please don’t let me wake up. If this is my imagination, please make it come true.

There standing in the doorway was the man I had just called for. It was Hayden.

“Hayden!” I cried out his name as tears streamed down my face.

I watched in slow motion as Hayden strode into the lounge wordlessly.

Josh was equally as shocked as I was at Hayden’s sudden appearance. He had stopped kissing and caressing me as he watched Hayden approach us. Hayden’s face was void of emotions and he did not say a single word.

“Hayden?” Josh said his friends name in confusion.

What happened next happened so fast that I wasn’t sure if I saw it correctly. However, what was certain was that somehow Josh landed face first on the floor with a loud thud. Hayden approached us and suddenly grabbed the front of Josh’s shirt before yanking him up from the sofa. Then Hayden punched him in the face with so much force that Josh fell onto the floor.

I heard Josh moaning in pain as he struggled to get up. I knew Hayden wasn’t a man of many words, but I was surprised that he hasn’t said anything yet since he had entered the room. I quickly adjusted my clothes as I stared at Hayden’s broad back. Hayden stood with his back turned towards me as if shielding me behind him.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy?!” Josh shouted as he struggled to get back on his feet.


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