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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 What a Jinx

After hearing about this, how could Queenie not care about it? No wonder Leanna was always wearing loose and oversized clothes at work everyday. I thought it was a bit weird of her for doing that. It turns out that she’s pregnant!

After a slight pause, Queenie decided to probe further as she asked, “Miss Crossley, is the Pearson Family you’re referring to the Pearson Group?”

“It is.”

Hanging up, Georgina looked out the window with a smug expression. Sometimes, one just needs the right words and others will do whatever they need on their behalf.

Ever since Aidan moved back to the residence, the whole atmosphere had become a lot more depressing though Leanna would like to differ. To her, it was much more ‘exciting’ compared to her past prison-like days.

At last, I have someone to bicker with… Still, I’m not sure what’s up with the b*stard. He’s just lazing around the house all day long without even going to the company. The worst thing is he’ll take a jab at me whenever he feels like it.

At this point, it was only a few days until Gordon’s birthday.

The closer it was, the more nervous Leanna became as she was afraid that things might go south. Yet, fate always seemed to have a nasty surprise awaiting her.

Just two days before the birthday banquet, the police received an anonymous tipoff stating that someone in the Pearson Family was taking drugs.

When the police arrived at the Pearson Family Estate, Gordon became livid upon hearing their explanation. “That’s impossible! This is preposterous!”

The officers could only apologize and state, “Old Master Pearson, since this incident has somewhat blown up, even the journalists have heard about it. We are just going through with the procedure. Once we make sure that it is a false report, we will investigate this to the best of our abilities and give you a satisfactory explanation.”

“Then, make sure you turn the house upside down if that’s what it takes!” Gordon jabbed the ground with his cane in fury. “My family have all been in the field of business for countless generations now and we have always been innocent. We do not involve ourselves in such harmful things nor do we conduct any shady deals. Well, since someone has the audacity to make a false report against us, I’d really like to meet this person who’s dared to walk all over me!”

“Yes, you’re right, Old Master Pearson,” the police said. “I’m afraid we’ll still have to ask for your family’s cooperation in this test so as to prove your innocence.”

Although Gordon was very much unhappy about this, this would only be at advantage for the p

erson who made the false report if he was to reject it.

Soon enough, the entirety of the Pearson Family had their samples collected.

Then, the police asked, “My apologies for troubling everyone here. Is there anyone who has yet to do the test?”

Crossing her arms, Anna replied with a haughty expression, “Leanna is still upstairs.”

To that, Gordon glanced at the servant beside him and ordered, “Bring her.”


Nodding, the servant left.

Hiding in the bushes nearby were two excited yet nervous journalists who snuck in when the servants were busy with their drug tests.

Although the journalists did not dare to offend the Pearsons, the person who phoned them revealed that this would be a very exclusive headline; if the news made its way into the public, not only would they become famous, the money they would make from it would also be uncountable.

On the other hand, Leanna, who was taking a nap upstairs, was awoken by the servant’s knocks on the door. After hearing that the police were here to investigate drug usage, she was in a daze and only snapped back to reality a while after. “Okay. I’ll head down after changing my clothes.”

Subsequent to the servant leaving, she went to the window and saw that there was a crowd in the garden with two police cars parked beside. This looks serious.

After arriving downstairs, she registered herself with the police. However, when she was asked a

bout her relation to the Pearsons, she was caught off guard as she did not know how to answer them.

Not wanting to expose her identity, Gordon stated impatiently, “Nobody’s going to escape from here. Just do the test and look for me if anything happens.”

The police stopped questioning her after they had collected her sample before departing.


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